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2. To effectively distribute commodities, PODS are established near the affected areas of the <br />County based on the situation and the number of personnel that need assistance. In a <br />countywide emergency response, the County initially activates one POD to support each <br />municipality, and may add additional sites if the personnel and equipment needed are <br />available. <br />3. Cabarrus County Emergency Management uses a planning figure of twenty percent <br />(20 %) of the population to determine the numbers of residents that will need assistance. <br />III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS <br />A. General. Distribution of disaster relief supplies is the responsibility of Cabarrus County <br />Government. All County departments and agencies provide resources to assist in commodity <br />distribution. <br />When a small incident or event occurs within the County, the Emergency Management <br />Coordinator will decide to open the County Receiving and Distribution Point (CRDP) for <br />supply distribution. If opened, commodities are distributed from this central point to <br />locations around the County using County or municipal transportation and personnel. <br />Details on the location and operation of this site are found in the Cabarrus County <br />Emergency Operations SOG (see Appendix 1, CRDP, to Annex P, Donated Goods <br />Management). <br />2. When a large -scale emergency occurs, the Emergency Management Coordinator opens <br />the CRDP for single point distribution or to forward supplies to the POD sites. The <br />Emergency Management Coordinator identifies those areas within the County that will <br />require a POD to be established. The Emergency Management Coordinator notifies the <br />State via WebEOC that the CRDP and POD sites are activated. Relief supplies coming <br />into the County are delivered to the CRDP and then moved to the appropriate distribution <br />point. Direct deliveries of supplies to a distribution point occur only at the request of the <br />Emergency Management Coordinator or his representative. <br />There are three types of PODS: Type I, Type H, Type Ill. Types I and II are designed for <br />larger populations and require a large number of personnel to operate and a large amount <br />of equipment to support these operations. These are not normally employed in Cabarrus <br />County unless the state or federal government can provide the personnel and equipment <br />to conduct the larger POD operations. The County utilizes the Type III POD organization <br />as the standard type. There is an untyped POD, which is a small, temporary distribution <br />site. The County employs this organization only as an exception to policy. <br />4. POD Locations <br />a. The County has selected locations for POD sites within the County. The sites <br />selected are easy to access and convenient for County residents (see Attachment Q. <br />b. The Cabarrus Health Alliance does not collocate or establish a medical point of <br />dispensing at or near a commodity POD unless the selected site can facilitate both <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex P — Donated Goods Management 3 <br />Attachment number 16 <br />F -6 Page 353 <br />