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• Amount and location of site support equipment <br />b. Activation. Within four hours of notification, POD staff report to their distribution <br />point with all necessary equipment. The Distribution Site Manager notifies the EOC <br />when the POD site is operational. <br />c. Operations <br />1) The CRDP and POD sites operate 24 -hours a day until demobilized. POD sites <br />are open to County residents between the hours of 0800 and 1700 hours, but these <br />times may be increased if the demand requires it. Resupply is requested to arrive <br />after 1700 hours daily, but this may occur around the clock to maintain adequate <br />stocks at the POD. Separate travel lanes are created solely for resupply vehicles. <br />Security is maintained at all times at all sites. <br />2) The Points of Distribution normally provide the following items to the POD <br />"customers ", which are those County residents needing assistance: <br />• Two meals ready -to -eat (MRE) per person per day <br />• One gallon of water per person per day <br />• One tarp per household if the house has been damaged <br />• One bag of ice per household per day if a member in the household has <br />medications requiring refrigeration <br />3) The POD Manager conducts daily inventory reports of existing supplies and the <br />projected requirements for the following day. This information is provided to the <br />EOC staff no later than 1700 hours each day of operation. The POD Manager <br />also reports on the status of the personnel and equipment at the site with this <br />inventory report. <br />4) PODs are not established in those areas where commercial businesses are open <br />and can supply needed items to the public. The Emergency Management <br />Coordinator adjusts supply requirements based on estimated population densities <br />of the impacted area at the time of activation. <br />d. Demobilization. Upon notification of demobilization, distribution to the County <br />residents will cease. Those citizens currently in line will receive supplies. Inventory <br />counts are taken and reported back to the EOC. The Emergency Management <br />Department staff then make arrangements for the handling of remaining supplies. <br />Once these commodities are picked up at the site, staff clean up and clear the site. <br />The Emergency Management Coordinator demobilizes the POD staff once the site is <br />cleared. The staff remains on site until released. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex P — Donated Goods Management 5 <br />Attachment number 16 <br />F -6 Page 355 <br />