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NC LOCALLY GROWN <br />COOPERATIVE <br />EXTENSION <br />� Cabarrus County Center � <br />UNC cxAR onT, <br />College of Arts + Afchitecture <br />Sth-1 ofA h1l ... q <br />Lomax Agricultural Learning Center <br />Program Development Plan <br />2013 - 2016 <br />Addendum C: Intern Partnership Opportunities <br />CEFS Summer Internship in Sustainable Agriculture <br />Internship Background <br />We are seeking highly- motivated undergraduate students from a variety of different <br />backgrounds, with a strong interest in sustainable agriculture, to participate in a unique <br />8 -week summer internship. Summer Interns with the Center for Environmental <br />Farming Systems (CEFS) come from all over the country and world to work with faculty <br />members to learn about the concepts and practices of various aspects of sustainable <br />agriculture through hands -on farm work, lectures and discussions, community <br />engagement, and field trips to local farms and markets. <br />Goals <br />For students completing the CEFS Sustainable Agriculture Internship Program, the <br />goals are to <br />• describe sustainable agriculture and community food systems from a broad <br />systems perspective; <br />• observe and evaluate a variety of agricultural systems and practices for their <br />sustainability; <br />• improve professional development and collaborative learning interactions with <br />university faculty and staff, farmers, extension agents, researchers, non- <br />governmental organizations and the community; <br />• communicate how sustainable agriculture research is conducted, basic <br />techniques, and data collected from a variety of disciplines in sustainable <br />agriculture <br />http: / /www.cefs.ncsu.edulgetinvolved /internships /internships.html <br />Attachment number 3 <br />G -2 Page 203 <br />