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ARTICLE X (Cont.) <br />County Commissioners. The special Committee shall submit its <br />recommendations to the entire Commission for consideration. Such <br />recommendations as are approved by the Commission shall be forwarded <br />to the Cabarrus County Council of Commissioners for consideration in <br />making the final appointment. <br />Section 2. Removal <br />The Commission shall formally recommend to the Cabarrus County <br />Council of Commissioners that a commissioner be removed from the <br />Commission for either of the following conditions: <br />a. Any member who fails to attend at least 75% of the regular <br />meetings, except for excused illness, or other extraordinary <br />circumstances, of the commission, committee, Council or council <br />during any one -year period shall be automatically removed from <br />said commission, committee, Council, or council. Vacancies <br />resulting from a member's failure to attend the required number of <br />meetings shall be filed as provided herein. The Chairman of the <br />commission, committee, Council or council will notify the proper <br />appointing authority if a member is absent 25% of the meetings, <br />and an appointment will be made by the appointing authority to fill <br />that vacancy. <br />b. Acts which in the opinion of the Commission are detrimental to its <br />best interest. A recommendation for the removal of a <br />commissioner under this condition can only be made after a <br />hearing for which a quorum is present, at which time the <br />commissioner so charged shall be given an opportunity to be <br />heard. Following the hearing a recommendation for removal shall <br />require a two thirds vote of the Commission to be present at the <br />hearing. The charges upon which the recommendation for removal <br />is based along with the Minutes of the hearing shall be forwarded <br />to the Cabarrus County Council of Commissioners for their <br />information. <br />11 <br />H -3 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />Page 169 <br />