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Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance <br />Chapter 8- Conditional Uses <br />d. The front and side yard setback areas shall be left in an undisturbed, natural setting. <br />e. All manufacturing, testing, office and activities shall be conducted within an enclosed <br />building. <br />f. Outside storage is permitted but must be completely screened on all sides by a Level <br />Two buffer as described in Chapter 9. Outside storage is not permitted in the front <br />yard. <br />g. All driveways shall be paved. <br />h. When the site is adjacent to residentially used or zoned property, outside pit practice <br />training areas shall be located interior to the site to minimize noise to adjacent <br />residential properties. <br />i. When the site is adjacent to residentially used or zoned property, a Level Two buffer <br />is required on the common boundary line. <br />The proposed use must be able to comply with the following: <br />A. Objectionable noise shall be muffled or eliminated so as not to become a nuisance to <br />adjacent uses. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide proof that all <br />noise for the operation does not exceed the maximum permitted sound levels listed <br />below. Maximum noise levels are as measured from the lot line. The Commission <br />may require more stringent noise restriction if it finds as a fact that noise should be <br />muffled to a greater extent than those sound levels listed below. <br />7:00 AM to 7:00 PM 60 dbl <br />7:00 PM to 7:00 AM 55 dbl <br />B. Every use shall be operated as to prevent the emission of smoke, dust, and dirt, etc., <br />from any source whatsoever within the bounds of the air pollution standards set by <br />the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. <br />The Department's standards on air pollution for industrial uses are hereby made a <br />part of this Ordinance by reference. <br />C. Every use shall be se operated as to prevent the emission in the air of dust or other <br />solid matter which may cause damage to property, discomfort to persons or animals <br />beyond the lot line of the property on which the use is located. <br />D. Every use shall be operated to prevent discharge of any waste dangerous or a <br />nuisance to persons or animals or damaging to plants, crops or any water supply at <br />or beyond the lot lines of the race shop. The Cabarrus Health Alliance must approve <br />all domestic ground absorption waste water disposal and on site drinking water wells. <br />E. Every use shall be separated as to prevent the emissions of objectionable or <br />offensive odors in such concentrations readily perceptible at any point at or beyond <br />the race shop's boundary lines. <br />F. Every use shall be so operated as to prevent glare of such intensity as to be readily <br />perceptible from a residential use. <br />G. Each use shall be developed to prevent traffic congestion and noise generated by <br />vehicles related to its operation. <br />20. Race Track, Animal, Automobile or Other <br />Limited Industrial and General Industrial districts <br />a. A complete description of the facility including but not limited to: <br />Chapter 8 Page 13 of 33 <br />Revised August, 2013 <br />Attachment number 4 <br />G -1 Page 363 <br />