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Optional Coverage for Cabarrus County, North Carolina. <br />The Cabarrus County CDBG Program may undertake relocation that is not be <br />automatically covered under the URA such as homeowner voluntary demolition. It is the <br />County's intends that such persons be served at the same levels as those described under <br />the URA and the County will use this Optional Coverage Relocation Plan to establish this <br />coverage. Under this plan, the f Cabarrus County shall provide relocation payments and <br />assistance to the following: <br />1. Homeowners and their families who are displaced by rehabilitation activity of a <br />dwelling located within the CDBG Activity Area. <br />2. Homeowners and their families who are displaced by the voluntary demolition of <br />a dwelling occupied by the families and located within the CDBG Activity Area. <br />Relocation Assistance to Families and Individuals <br />The County shall provide relocation planning, advisory and coordination services <br />consistent with those described in Section 24.205 of the URA. These shall include, but <br />not be limited to, the provision of transportation services as needed to view comparable <br />replacement dwelling, or other transportation as deemed necessary and reasonable to <br />support the relocation, assistance in submitting claims for payment, counseling and <br />education on relocation regulations and coordinating these activities with existing social <br />service and economic assistance programs as they are available. <br />Temporary Relocation <br />Housing rehabilitation shall be conducted without relocation of the affected occupants to <br />the greatest extent feasible. Should relocation be necessary, temporary relocation shall <br />be accomplished at a minimum feasible cost. Temporary relocation payments will be <br />limited to expenses that are directly related to the temporary relocation and which are <br />above and beyond the normal expenses incurred by the relocatee. These would include, <br />but not be limited to: <br />• reasonable expenses for lodging for the period of dislocation, , <br />• costs for temporary storage of household belongings. <br />• Relocation of land -line telephone services <br />• One moving payment under the Fixed Payment for Moving Expenses (chart <br />below) <br />There would be No reimbursement for expenses that would otherwise be incurred (meals, <br />normal travel, etc). Relocatees would be required to submit receipts to the County <br />documenting the expenses for which they are requesting reimbursement. Moving <br />Expense Payment <br />2 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -4 Page 159 <br />