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Agency Name <br />ROMA Goal 5 and 6 DHHS Excels -Goals 1 and 5 <br />Agencies increase their capacity to achieve results; Low-income Manage resources that provide an elevated level of effective <br />people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their potential and efficient delivery of services and programs to North <br />by strengthening family and other support systems Carolinians; Provide services and protection to individuals and <br />families experiencing serious health and safety needs who are <br />not, at least temporarily, able to assist themselves. <br />7. Describe activities that your agency has undertaken or plans to undertake, on an emergency basis, <br />for the provision of such supplies and services, nutritious foods, and related services, as may be <br />necessary to counteract conditions of starvation and malnutrition among low- income individuals. <br />Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency, Inc. has established partnerships with local food <br />banks, churches, and nonprofit organizations. Referrals are given to the participants to obtain <br />emergency food assistance as well as referrals to the local Department of Social Services for the <br />Food and Nutrition Program. We also offer food and nutrition workshops hosted by the North <br />Carolina Cooperative Extension. <br />8. Describe how your agency will coordinate the provision of employment and training activities with <br />entities providing activities through statewide and local workforce investment systems under the <br />Workforce Investment Act of 1998. <br />SRCAA, Inc. will continue to contract with Centralina Workforce Development Board to provide WIA <br />title I youth services in Rowan and Cabarrus counties. The WIA youth services include: academic <br />learning, work experience, summer employment opportunities, and other related supportive <br />services. Connected through the local Workforce Investment System, SRCAA, Inc. will continue <br />connect with other youth resources. Those resources include the local Job Link Career Center, <br />Department of Social Services, Health Department, Public Schools, Community Colleges, Juvenile <br />Services, and Vocational Rehabilitation. These resources are used as a connection to all available <br />community resources. Connections with employment and training activities will provide <br />interventions and a direct link to the labor market. <br />ROMA Goal 4 and 6 DHHS Excels -Goal 5 <br />Partnerships among supporters and providers of services to Provide services and protection to individuals and families <br />low- income people are achieved; Low - income people, especially experiencing serious health and safety needs who are not, at <br />vulnerable populations, achieve their potential by strengthening least temporarily, able to assist themselves. <br />family and other support systems <br />9. Describe how your agency will ensure coordination with the emergency energy crisis intervention <br />program under title XXVI (relating to low - income home energy assistance). <br />SRCAA, Inc. has a Weatherization 1 HARRP Program and will continue to coordinate services to <br />participants in Rowan County to save on their overall energy cost. Referrals will also be given to <br />participants to enroll in the Crisis Intervention Program through the Department of Social Services, <br />Cooperative Christian Ministries, Rowan Helping Ministries, and Salvation Army. The staff at <br />SRCAA, Inc. will continue to coordinate services through continuous partners meetings to stay <br />abreast of any changes with the Crisis Intervention Program. <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Community Services Block Grant Application <br />Page 9 of 24 Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 187 <br />