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Agency Name <br />Community Resources: Various agencies are collaborating together to make sure they can <br />meet the needs of our participants. This is done by having Community Forums to inform <br />families about the various programs that are available to meet their needs. Our agency <br />participates by handing out brochures and flyers and providing more information <br />individually. <br />4. Resources Needed: <br />Agency Resources: Funding to provide resources needed to operate the Self- Sufficiency <br />Program. These resources will provide low- income families standard housing, income <br />management, education, job skills, transportation, childcare, and adequate health care. <br />Community Resources: Funding to be able to provide services to our low - income Self <br />Sufficiency participants to assist with housing, education, job training, transportation, <br />childcare, healthcare, and budgeting and income management. These comprehensive <br />services will provide the support they need to rise above the poverty income level. <br />Section III: Goal and Strategy <br />Long -Range Goal: To provide - support and comprehensive services for two hundred and eighty (280ylow- <br />income families and individuals to develop skills and income so that thirty six (36) may rise above the poverty <br />income level before 0613012013. <br />Strategies for Achieving Long -Range Goal: <br />o To provide support and comprehensive services for low- income families so that <br />they can rise above the poverty level. <br />o To continue our partnership with our local Job Link to keep the community abreast <br />of the employment trends. <br />o Continue to provide and attend Community Forums, individual client based <br />counseling, and activities to increase community and agency awareness. <br />o To plan and implement goals and set strategies with the clients and families. <br />o *To invite low- income individuals to join advisory boards and committees. <br />o *Continue with fundraisers to close the gap of CSBG funding. <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Community Services Block Grant Application <br />Page 13 of 24 Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 191 <br />