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Salisbury-Rowan Community Action Agency, Inc. <br />Community Services Block Grant Program <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Application for Funding <br />Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation Plan <br />Describe the role and responsibilities of the following in the assessment and evaluation of <br />agency programs. <br />a. Board of Directors: The SRCAA, Inc. Board of Directors is responsible for the <br />overall performance and evaluation of all agency programs. The Planning and <br />Evaluation Committee is responsible for working with the Executive Director and <br />staff to develop agency programs and services. The committee has direct <br />oversight to review, evaluate, and monitor all programs to ensure compliance. <br />b. Low- Income Community: The low- income community has input in the agency's <br />programs through public hearings, participating on community forums, and <br />representation on the agency's Board of Directors. <br />c. Program Participants: Program participants have the opportunity to evaluate the <br />program by completing evaluations, participating on community forums, and by <br />volunteering. <br />d. Others: By continuing the Community Round Table Forums in Rowan and <br />Cabarrus County, allows human service agencies to identify collaboration <br />opportunities-,improve service delivery, and express concerns about meeting <br />the needs of our participants. <br />2. Describe how administrative policies and procedures are monitored by the Board of Directors. <br />The SRCAA, Inc. Board of Director's committees evaluates the fiscal operations, personnel <br />management, and all program policies and procedures. They are reviewed by the committee <br />to determine if the agency is in compliance and present to the SRCAA, Inc. Board of <br />Directors. <br />3. Describe how the Board acts on monitoring, assessment and evaluation reports. <br />The SRCAA, Inc. Board of Directors collaborates with the Executive Director and staff to <br />ensure that we abide by the agency's missions and goals. Monthly reports are reviewed <br />and discussed at the monthly board meeting to determine if the programs are meeting their <br />goals. <br />4. Describe the Board's procedure for conducting the agency self - evaluation. <br />The Agency's self- evaluation will be conducted under the direction of the Board of <br />Director's Planning and Evaluation Committee. The self - evaluation will be completed; <br />findings and recommendations for improvement will be made to the Board for approval. <br />Staff then develops a work plan to implement the Board's directives. The Agency will use <br />the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence- - <br />Self Assessment Checklist to evaluate the organization in the following areas; a) planning, <br />b) governance, c) human resources, d) financial management, e) fundraising, f) information <br />and technology, g) evaluation of results, h) strategic alliances, i) civic engagement and <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Community services Block Grant Application <br />Page 20 of 24 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 198 <br />