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Agency Name <br />public policy, j) transparency and accountability and k) risk management. The agency also <br />completes a Community Assessment (CA) that identifies the needs in the areas served by <br />the agency. Strategies and programs are evaluated to ensure alignment with the CA. <br />5. Summarize the results of the Board's most recent self- evaluation. Describe how the <br />information has been or will be used to develop the agency's next Strategy for Eliminating <br />Poverty. Indicate when the next evaluation will begin and be completed. <br />The agency has historically evaluated itself on a program -by- program basis; this will be the <br />agency's initial step in utilizing an "agency- wide" assessment tool. The information <br />provided from the self - assessment and the Community Assessment will be included as part <br />of the agency's Strategic Planning process (which includes the Strategy for Eliminating <br />Poverty). Programs will be evaluated for effectiveness and alignment with community <br />needs and any areas for agency improvement (programmatic and organizational) will be <br />included in the overall balanced scorecard objectives. The agency anticipates beginning <br />the next evaluation in January 2012 and concluding March 2012. <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Community Services Block Grant Application <br />Page 21 of 24 Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 199 <br />