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Protecting County Interests in a Challenging Fiscal Era <br />In the first session of the 112th Congress, county governments saw an onslaught of efforts to address deficit <br />reduction Because of these efforts, counties have begun to feel the effects of cuts in federal assistance. <br />Combined with reduced state funding and lower local revenue these cuts are forcing counties to reduce staff <br />and services, threatening many vital county programs. <br />As the nation's leaders continue to debate the options for addressing our fiscal ills, NACo has expressed <br />support for a balanced approach in tackling America's debt problems, an approach that would lessen the <br />burden on counties and their residents. <br />We have adopted four key principles which we believe should guide discussions as deficit reduction options are <br />being considered. They are as follows: <br />The federal government cannot solve the budgetary deficit by only cutting domestic, non - military <br />discretionary programs. <br />Federal assistance to state and local governments will help mitigate further layoffs. <br />Federal investment in state and local infrastructure produces private sectorjobs. <br />Deficit reduction should not be accomplished by shifting costs to counties and their residents, imposing <br />unfunded mandates, or preempting county programs or taxing authority. <br />County governments are partners with the federal government and states in providing important programs and <br />services to the American people. For county officials, "special interests" are constituents who decided to put <br />trust in them as public servants to adopt sound fiscal policies while providing the basic services for which <br />constituents pay. <br />As the 112th Congress begins its second session, the NACo Board of Directors eleven Steering Committees <br />Large Urban ( LUCC ) and Rural ( County Caucuses have adopted the key priorities listed below. The <br />issues are not presented in priority order and are among many concerns that NACo will pursue. On all issues, <br />county officials seek solutions that will protect vital county programs, effectively serve our common constituents <br />and promote job creation. The adopted priorities are as follows: <br />Promote a balanced approach to deficit reduction. Protect county programs during budget deficit reduction <br />and appropriation considerations. Balance includes looking at discretionary, defense and entitlement spending, <br />and revenue enhancements. <br />Support the reauthorization of the Farm Bill and Priority for Rural Development Programs. <br />Work to eliminate the federal health benefits " inmate exception for persons in county jails and <br />detention centers who are in custody pending disposition of charges. <br />Maintain the original federal- state -local partnership for financing and delivering Medicaid and social <br />services, and oppose measures that will shift Medicaid and social service costs to counties. <br />Maintain full funding for Payments in Lieu Of Taxes ( Secure Rural Schools ( programs and <br />Community Self- Determination Act <br />Reauthorize aviation and surface transportation programs. <br />Oppose unfunded mandates and preemptions. <br />For more information about NACo's legislative policy positions or to contact the Legislative Department, click <br />here. <br />Presidential Initiative <br />Page 159 <br />