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BYO i w SrAif o <br />NORTH CAROLINA.3 <br />Department of Commerce, <br />NORTH CAROLINA ECONOMIC OVERVIEW: FEBRUARY 2012 <br />North Carolina's unemployment rate decreased <br />again this month behind continued employment <br />gains. Nonfarm employment saw the highest <br />month -to -month percent gain since October 2010. <br />Housing authorizations and existing home sales <br />were up this month compared to the same month <br />last year while foreclosure filing fell by 16 percent <br />over the same period. Hotel occupancy, which <br />reflects tourism activity in the State, increased in <br />January compared to January of last year by 2.8 <br />percent. <br />National employment data for January displayed <br />an uptick alongside a decrease in unemployed <br />workers allowing the unemployment rate to fall to 8.3 percent. US Real GDP grew 3.0 percent according to the <br />"third" estimate for the 4 th quarter of 2011, compared to the 3 rd quarter of 2011. <br />Employment levels increase for the 5 th consecutive month <br />The number of employed workers in North Caro Iina Employed Workers from January to June (in Thousands) <br />North Carolina in January was higher <br />INDICATORS KEY <br />than December levels according to the <br />N.C. Unemployment Rate decreased <br />0.2% <br />It <br />10.4% in December to 10.2% in January <br />is the fifth consecutive month of growth <br />U.S. Unemployment Rate decreased <br />Statistics <br />Last Year -Same Month <br />0.2% <br />From 8.5% in December to 8.3% in January <br />Jan -12 <br />NC Hotel occupancy increased <br />■zoos <br />2.8 ° 0 <br />4,200 <br />From January 2011 to January 2012 <br />Employment levels increase for the 5 th consecutive month <br />The number of employed workers in North Caro Iina Employed Workers from January to June (in Thousands) <br />North Carolina in January was higher <br />January 2008 to Present <br />than December levels according to the <br />4,400 <br />latest data. The increase in employment <br />4,350 <br />North <br />is the fifth consecutive month of growth <br />4,300 <br />Statistics <br />Last Year -Same Month <br />Startof Recession <br />4,30 <br />Jan -12 <br />(1/12 compared to 12/12) <br />■zoos <br />for the State. Another method of <br />4,200 <br />(revised) <br />(preliminary) <br />Change %Change <br />measuring employment growth is to <br />Change %Change <br />Labor Force <br />4,677,236 <br />2009 <br />4,150 <br />0.1% <br />51,248 <br />1.1% <br />compare the current month to the same <br />4,100 <br />Employed <br />4,192,992 <br />■ 2010 <br />14,213 <br />0.3% <br />month last year. Comparing January <br />4,050 <br />(126,953) <br />-2.9% <br />■ 2011 <br />2012 to January 2011 employment has <br />4,000 <br />(7,968) <br />-1.6% <br />■ 2012 <br />-2.2% <br />3,950 <br />110.5% <br />increased 1.5 percent. The State has <br />3,900 <br />experienced year- over -year growth in <br />3,850 <br />employment every month since October <br />jaru aVN Febr 'JaCV Ma rch M C',\ Mal lure <br />2010. Looking specifically at the first 6 <br />N.C. Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security, Labor Force Statistics <br />months of the year, North Carolina <br />employment remains below pre- recessionary levels. Since 2010, however, we've made gains every month. <br />Unemployment, which decreased monthly <br />from September to December in 2011, continued to fall in January. <br />The number of unemployed workers in the <br />State fell 1.6 percent from December to January. <br />N.C. Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security, Labor Force Statistics <br />Policy, Research & Strategic Planning; February 2012 Report <br />1 -4 Page 259 <br />North <br />Carolina Seas <br />La bo r Force <br />Previous Month <br />Statistics <br />Last Year -Same Month <br />Startof Recession <br />Dec -11 <br />Jan -12 <br />(1/12 compared to 12/12) <br />(1/12 compared to 1/11) <br />(1/12 compa red to 12107) <br />(revised) <br />(preliminary) <br />Change %Change <br />Change I %Change <br />Change %Change <br />Labor Force <br />4,677,236 <br />4,683,481 <br />6,245 <br />0.1% <br />51,248 <br />1.1% <br />123,084 <br />2.7% <br />Employed <br />4,192,992 <br />4,207,205 <br />14,213 <br />0.3% <br />61,984 <br />1.5% <br />(126,953) <br />-2.9% <br />Unemployed <br />484,244 <br />476,276 <br />(7,968) <br />-1.6% <br />(10,736) <br />-2.2% <br />250,037 <br />110.5% <br />N.C. Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security, Labor Force Statistics <br />Policy, Research & Strategic Planning; February 2012 Report <br />1 -4 Page 259 <br />