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The decrease in unemployed workers in the labor force combined with higher employment pushed the <br />unemployment rate for the State down this month, from 10.4 percent in December to 10.2 percent in January <br />on a seasonally adjusted basis. The decline in the unemployment rates started in September 2011. The U.S. <br />unemployment rate fell from December to January as well, following an increase in employment and decrease <br />in unemployment. The recently released February unemployment rate for the U.S. is 8.3 percent, unchanged <br />since January. <br />N.C. Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security, Labor Force Statistics <br />Regular Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance increased in January compared to December. Claims in <br />January totaled 86,204, up 17,808 from December's total of 68,396. Regular Initial Claims were down 18,503 <br />compared to January 2011. For more information on UI claims for North Carolina and its localities see the <br />February 2012 edition of the NC Today', which can be found here <br />North Carolina Nonfarm Employment increases for the third time in the last four months <br />Preliminary data suggest: <br />• Since last month (December 2011) the economy experienced a net gain of 17 thousand jobs. <br />o Only 2 Supersectors, Leisure & Hospitality and Construction, saw employment declines compared to <br />last month. <br />o The rise in total nonfarm employment was the largest month -to -month growth since October 2010. <br />• Over the past twelve months employment has risen by over 50 thousand jobs. <br />• Only the Government and Mining & Logging sectors experienced a decline over the period. <br />• The 1 percent increase in year- over -year Manufacturing employment is the largest percent increase <br />since May 1995. <br />• Since the start of the recession <br />• Three Supersectors have seen growth, including Education &Health Services with over 18 thousand <br />more jobs. <br />• Four Supersectors have experienced a employment decline greater than 10 percent. <br />North <br />Carolina <br />Seasonally Adjusted <br />Unemployment <br />Previous Month <br />LastYear - SameMonth <br />Start of Recession <br />Sector <br />Dec -11 <br />Jan -12 <br />(1/12 compared to 12/12) <br />(1/12 compared to 1/11) <br />(1/12 compared to 12/07) <br />(revised) <br />(preliminary) <br />%Point Change <br />%Point Change <br />%Point Change <br />North Carolina <br />10.4% <br />10.2% <br />-0.2% <br />-0.3% <br />5.2% <br />United States <br />8.5% <br />8.3% <br />-0.2% <br />-0.8% <br />3.3% <br />N.C. Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security, Labor Force Statistics <br />Regular Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance increased in January compared to December. Claims in <br />January totaled 86,204, up 17,808 from December's total of 68,396. Regular Initial Claims were down 18,503 <br />compared to January 2011. For more information on UI claims for North Carolina and its localities see the <br />February 2012 edition of the NC Today', which can be found here <br />North Carolina Nonfarm Employment increases for the third time in the last four months <br />Preliminary data suggest: <br />• Since last month (December 2011) the economy experienced a net gain of 17 thousand jobs. <br />o Only 2 Supersectors, Leisure & Hospitality and Construction, saw employment declines compared to <br />last month. <br />o The rise in total nonfarm employment was the largest month -to -month growth since October 2010. <br />• Over the past twelve months employment has risen by over 50 thousand jobs. <br />• Only the Government and Mining & Logging sectors experienced a decline over the period. <br />• The 1 percent increase in year- over -year Manufacturing employment is the largest percent increase <br />since May 1995. <br />• Since the start of the recession <br />• Three Supersectors have seen growth, including Education &Health Services with over 18 thousand <br />more jobs. <br />• Four Supersectors have experienced a employment decline greater than 10 percent. <br />U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economy at a Glance Data, Nonfarm Wage and Salary Employment <br />1 <br />Seepage 18 of the NC Today for more detailed information on UI Claims Information in North Carolina; Division of Employment Services, NC Commerce. <br />2 <br />The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a preliminary estimate of sector employment on a monthly basis. These values are revised with a rolling 3 month lag. <br />Policy, Research & Strategic Planning; February 2012 Report <br />1 -4 Page 260 <br />North <br />Carolina <br />Seasonally Adjusted <br />Nonfarm Em <br />Previous Month <br />LastYear-Same Month <br />Startof Recession <br />Sector <br />Dec -11 <br />Jan -12 <br />(1/12 compared to 12/11) <br />(1/12 compared to 1/11) <br />(1/12 compared to 12/07) <br />(revised) <br />(preliminary) <br />Change %Change <br />Change I %Change <br />Change %Change <br />Mining &Logging <br />5,500 <br />5,500 <br />0 <br />0.0% <br />(100) <br />-1.8% <br />(1,400) <br />-20.3% <br />Construction <br />177,700 <br />176,700 <br />(1,000) <br />-0.6% <br />5,900 <br />3.5% <br />(75,600) <br />-30.0% <br />Manufacturing <br />434,000 <br />437,100 <br />3,100 <br />0.7% <br />4,400 <br />1.0% <br />(95,700) <br />-18.0% <br />Trade, Transportation, & Utilities <br />727,500 <br />733,700 <br />6,200 <br />0.9% <br />13,600 <br />1.9% <br />(46,900) <br />-6.0% <br />Information <br />67,700 <br />68,400 <br />700 <br />1.0% <br />100 <br />0.1% <br />(3,800) <br />-5.3% <br />Financial Activities <br />201,000 <br />203,800 <br />2,800 <br />1.4% <br />100 <br />0.0% <br />(12,200) <br />-5.6% <br />Professional & Business Services <br />510,800 <br />514,700 <br />3,900 <br />0.8% <br />13,900 <br />2.8% <br />8,500 <br />1.7% <br />Education & Health Services <br />550,300 <br />551,200 <br />900 <br />0.2% <br />8,200 <br />1.5% <br />18,200 <br />3.4% <br />Leisure &Hospitality <br />402,500 <br />401,300 <br />(1,200) <br />-0.3% <br />7,900 <br />2.0% <br />(4,600) <br />-1.1% <br />Other Services <br />157,300 <br />157,300 <br />0 <br />0.0% <br />1,400 <br />0.9% <br />(18,800) <br />-10.7% <br />Government <br />697,900 <br />699,500 <br />1,600 <br />0.2% <br />(4,800) <br />-0.7% <br />4,800 <br />0.7% <br />Total Nonfarm Employment <br />3,932,200 <br />3,949,200 <br />17,000 <br />0.4%1 <br />50,600 <br />1 1.3% <br />(227,500) <br />-5.4% <br />U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economy at a Glance Data, Nonfarm Wage and Salary Employment <br />1 <br />Seepage 18 of the NC Today for more detailed information on UI Claims Information in North Carolina; Division of Employment Services, NC Commerce. <br />2 <br />The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a preliminary estimate of sector employment on a monthly basis. These values are revised with a rolling 3 month lag. <br />Policy, Research & Strategic Planning; February 2012 Report <br />1 -4 Page 260 <br />