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If the transit system's Community Transportation Service Plan (CTSP) is less than six <br />years old, does it describe and evaluate the services the transit system is providing for <br />the elderly and disabled? See these page numbers in the plan: <br />Plan Title: <br />Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program Questions (con't) <br />Yes or No <br />Does the CTSP recommend any new EDTAP funded services for FY2013? <br />See these page numbers in the plan: <br />no <br />Plan Title: <br />E. Will any of the subrecipients use their EDTAP sub - allocation as matching funds for any of <br />the following programs? (Matching funds for operating assistance only.) <br />5310 — Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities Program <br />5311 - Non - urbanized Area Formula Program <br />yes <br />5316 — Job Access and Reverse Commute Program (JARC) <br />5317 — New Freedom Program <br />F. Will any of the subrecipients of EDTAP funds charge a fare for an EDTAP funded trip? <br />no <br />If yes, how much will the fare be? <br />If yes, how will the fare revenue be used? <br />G. Do any of the subrecipients of EDTAP funds restrict EDTAP funded services based on the <br />origin, timing or destination of the trip? <br />yes <br />H. Is there a process or policy for determining when it is appropriate to transfer EDTAP funds <br />from one sub - recipient to another to prevent there being unspent funds at the end of the period of <br />yes <br />performance? <br />I. EDTAP funded services are expected to be provided throughout the entire year. If the <br />EDTAP funds are expended in less than a year, will the county provide county funds to prevent <br />no <br />the discontinuation of transportation services? <br />Employment Transportation Assistance Program <br />The Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMPL) is intended to help DSS clients that transitioned <br />off Work First or TANF in the last 12 months, Workforce Development Program participants and /or the general <br />public to travel to work, employment training and/or other employment related destinations. <br />Employment Transportation Program Questions Yes or No <br />A. What will be the purposes of the transportation services provided with EMPL funds? (Check all that apply) <br />® Job interviews, job fair attendance, job readiness activities or training, GED classes <br />® Transportation to workplace (Scheduled by the individual only. No agency scheduled trips.) <br />® Child(ren) of working parent transported to Child Care <br />B. How will the transportation service be provided? (Check all that apply) <br />® Public Transportation System <br />❑ Private Provider <br />❑ Taxi Service <br />❑ Agency Staff Driver <br />❑ Volunteer Driver <br />Attachment number 2 <br />G -1 Page 218 <br />