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Accountability to North Carolina Taxpayers <br />Yes or No <br />W. Is the method used to sub - allocate the ROAP funds fair and equitable? Open and <br />❑ Job interviews, job fair attendance, job readiness activities or training, GED classes <br />transparent? <br />yes <br />Accountability to North Carolina Taxpayers (con't) <br />Yes or No <br />X. Is the county prepared to provide documentation that an eligible citizen was provided an <br />® Public Transportation System <br />eligible service or trip on the billed date, by whatever conveyance, at the specified cost? <br />yes <br />Y. A semi - annual ROAP Report must be completed and sent to NCDOT. Who will be designated to complete these <br />reports in FY2013? (name, title, employer) <br />Robert Bushey, Transportation Coordinator, Cabarrus County Transportation <br />Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program <br />The Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program ( EDTAP), originally enacted by legislation in the <br />1989 Session of the North Carolina General Assembly (Article 2B, 136- 44.27), provides operating assistance <br />funds for the transportation of the state's elderly and disabled citizens. This transportation assistance allows the <br />elderly and disabled to reside for a longer period in their homes, thereby enhancing their quality of life. <br />Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program Questions Yes or No <br />A. What will be the purposes of the transportation services provided with EDTAP funds? (Check all that apply) <br />® Personal care activities, medical appointments, pharmacy pick -up, shopping, bill paying, meetings, classes, banking <br />❑ Job interviews, job fair attendance, job readiness activities or training, GED classes <br />❑ Transportation to workplace <br />❑ Group field trips /tours to community special events (Federal charter regulations apply to transit.) <br />❑ Overnight trips to out -of -county destinations (Federal charter regulations apply to transit) <br />® Human service agency appointments <br />B. How will the transportation service be provided? (Check all that apply) <br />® Public Transportation System <br />❑ Private Provider <br />❑ Taxi Service <br />❑ Agency Staff Driver <br />❑ Volunteer Driver <br />C. Are any of the EDTAP services you are funding, listed as an unmet need or gap in service in <br />the Public Transit -Human Service Coordination Plan or any other transportation plan for your <br />county? See these page numhers in the plan:. 6 <br />yes <br />Plan Title: Goal #3 <br />D. Does the federally funded Community Transit System operating in your county receive a <br />sub - allocation of EDTAP funds? <br />yes <br />If yes, does the county dictate which agencies and organizations will receive <br />transportation services with any of the EDTAP funds the transit system receives? <br />yes <br />Can the Community Transit System use any of the EDTAP funds it receives to provide <br />transportation for elderly and disabled citizens of the county who do not have a human <br />yes <br />service agency or organization to pay for the service? <br />Attachment number 2 <br />G -1 Page 217 <br />