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8) Describe the route to be utilized in making the food delivery. In addition, trace the delivery route or <br />the county maps provided; give an approximate delivery time for each LunchPlus Club location and <br />attach to this questionnaire. Specify the number of vehicles to be used for delivery of food when <br />mapping the routes. (Attachment) <br />9) Describe any other catering services that you would wish to provide to the Program. Would there <br />be any additional cost involved? <br />For each bid submitted, please itemize the bid price per meal in the following: <br />Description <br />Raw Food Price <br />Standard Alternate <br />Price Price <br />Transportation <br />Disposable Supplies <br />TOTAL COST PER MEAL <br />, <br />10) Provide any other information that you feel is pertinent to this bid proposal. <br />11) This information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. <br />Signature Date <br />IMPORTANT: Remember to provide attachments requested in these specifications. These items are <br />required as part of the bid. <br />• Copy of most recent Health Inspection of Facility where food will be prepared <br />• Copy of form to be used for billing <br />• Copy of a daily meal delivery receipt <br />• Copies of Meat Casserole Recipes <br />• Delivery Route Map <br />RR <br />Attachment number 3 <br />G -2 Page 194 <br />