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704 --455 --3206 Town of Harr €sburg 05:32:06 10--06 -2011 8121 <br />3. Public Involvement <br />Harrisburg Youth Association in general board meetings has discussed pursuing <br />funding for a concession stand /announcing booth at Harrisburg Park since <br />2006. Harrisburg Parks and Recreation Board has encouraged HYA to pursue <br />this structure. On May 11, 2010, at HYA regular board meeting, the decision <br />was made to move forward on pursuing a grant for the purpose of building an <br />announcing booth /concession stand at Harrisburg Park. Matching funds from <br />HYA's Money Market account of $36,000 were committed to this project. In <br />addition $10,000 from the HYA Operation account was committed as reserves <br />for this project. Steve Sclascia, and Benita Conrad were charged with <br />spearheading this project. <br />4. Operation and Maintenance <br />Harrisburg Youth Association will be the primary party responsible for operating <br />and maintaining this structure, <br />5. Citizens Served <br />This facility will serve over 4,000 people involved in athletics at Harrisburg Park, <br />and over 75,000 during Harrisburg July 4 1 h Celebration. In addition, this facility <br />may be utilized by Cabarrus Senior Games, Movies in the Park, Harrisburg Easter <br />Egg Hunt and Halloween Festival. This structure will be located directly off the <br />parking lot within 20 feet of Handicapped Parking. This building will meet all <br />Americans with Disabilities Accessibility Guidelines. <br />Attachment number 6 <br />F -7 Page 162 <br />