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6. The County and the Cruse Parties desire for the County to construct the Facility <br />on the CMP property in Rimertown and for the Cruse Individuals to manage and operate the <br />Facility for the County. <br />7. The purpose of this Management Agreement is to set forth the terms by which the <br />Cruse Parties will permit the County to construct the Facility and by which the Cruse Individuals <br />will operate the Facility for the County. <br />8. This Management Agreement is entered into pursuant to the authority granted to <br />the County by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 158 -7.1. <br />In consideration of the above Premises and the Terms below, which the parties agree <br />constitute sufficient legal consideration to make this Management Agreement legally binding <br />and enforceable, the parties agree as follows. <br />TERMS <br />1. The County agrees to provide the funds necessary to construct the Facility on <br />CMP real property. This property (the "Real Property ") consists of approximately 15.875 acres <br />of land, more or less, as more particularly described in a deed to CMP from the Cruse <br />Individuals recorded in Book 9286, page 220 of the Cabarrus Public Registry and as shown in a <br />plat recorded in Book 59, page 46 of such Registry. <br />2. The Facility to be constructed includes the water source and the wastewater <br />treatment and wastewater irrigation systems required by the North Carolina Department of <br />Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR ") to treat wastewater from the meat harvesting <br />and processing operations. In this Management Agreement, these wastewater systems are <br />sometimes separately referred to collectively as the "Water and Wastewater Systems ". <br />3. The County has received the Grant in the amount of $675,000.00 and has <br />budgeted an additional $455,857.00 for construction of the Facility. The County agrees to <br />expend such total sum in the construction of the Facility. <br />4. The County has contracted with a general contractor to construct the Facility. The <br />County will contract with a qualified firm within ninety (90) days of the execution of this <br />agreement to construct the Water and Wastewater Systems necessary to operate the Facility. The <br />Cruse Parties permit the County, this general contractor and all subcontractors, including <br />employees and agents of each, to have unlimited access to the Real Property for the purpose of <br />testing the Real Property and constructing and supervising the construction of the Facility. <br />5. All utilities required for construction and operation of the Facility, including but <br />not limited to the electric power, Water and Wastewater Systems, shall be in the name of CMP <br />and shall be paid for by CMP. <br />6. The Cruse Parties shall pay for all equipment necessary to fully utilize and <br />operate a kill floor of the size to be contained in the Facility. An itemized listing of such <br />equipment (the "Equipment ") is attached as Schedule 1. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />G -1 Page 200 <br />