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NCACC Legislative Goals <br />2009-2010 <br />Priority Goal <br />• Revenue Options and Protection -Seek legislation to allow all counties to enact by resolution or, at the <br />option of the Board of Commissioners, by voter referendum any or all revenue options from among those <br />that have been authorized for any other county, including local option sales taxes, prepared food taxes, <br />impact fees and real estate transfer taxes; and to preserve the existing local revenue base. <br />Taxation and Finance <br />1. Motor Vehicle Property Taxes -Support continued appropriations from the Combined Motor Vehicle and <br />Registration Account to ensure that the previously ratified motor vehicle taxation legislation is implemented <br />according to the existing timetable and without any additional delay. <br />2. Impact Analysis -Support efforts to analyze the fiscal impacts of tax relief programs and exemptions <br />enacted by the General Assembly to provide transparency on acounty-by-county basis with respect to the <br />local effects of such tax breaks. <br />3. Definition of Charity -Support legislation to clarify the definition of "charity" for hospitals, including facilities <br />financed through bonds issued by the Medical Care Commission, and continuing care facilities, and require <br />that any property valuation exclusion formula provide for a higher test of "charity," to include a calculation of <br />the cost of non-reimbursed care delivered. <br />4. Manufactured Home Taxes -Support legislation to require all taxes levied on a manufactured home to be <br />paid before the home may be moved, repossessed or sold on-site. <br />5. Central Listing and Assessing of Cellular and Cable Companies -Support legislation to centrally list <br />and assess cellular companies and cable companies as public service companies. <br />6. Reimbursement, In Rem Foreclosures -Support an increase in the reimbursement rate for local <br />government collection efforts related to in rem foreclosures. <br />Justice and Public Safety <br />1. E-911 Funds -Support legislation to preserve county revenue from E-911 charges and allow counties <br />greater flexibility in the use of the funds; and restructure the 911 Board created by G.S. 62A-41 to add <br />additional local government representation. <br />2. Reimbursement, state inmates in county jails -Seek legislation to increase the daily reimbursement rate <br />for housing state inmates in county jails. <br />3. Gang Prevention -Support additional funds for gang prevention, intervention and suppression activities. <br />4. Methamphetamine Labs -Support legislation and appropriations to mitigate the prevalence of <br />methamphetamine production and use through the state. <br />5. Court Facilities Fee -Support legislation to allow counties to collect additional facilities fees to help fund <br />capital, operational and other needs associated with ever-increasing judicial activities. <br />6. Criminal Justice Information -Support legislation which requires sharing of information by the juvenile <br />justice system with the adult criminal system during the conduct of any felony-level criminal investigation. <br />Environment <br />1. Water and Sewer Infrastructure - (a) Support legislation providing the necessary capital for the <br />maintenance, upgrade, installation and expansion of public water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure, with <br />encouragement for water reclamation facilities; and (b) seek legislation to create a study of the rules and <br />procedures for evaluating the available capacity of pump stations. <br />2. Funds for Regional Water Resource Management -Support funding for regional councils to develop and <br />implement multi jurisdictional water resource management planning and programs in every region through <br />the cooperation of local governments, water users, and other stakeholders. <br />3. Private Well Testing -Seek legislation limiting state mandated contaminant testing of private wells to <br />naturally occurring chemicals, and authorizing local control over well testing for named petroleum-based <br />pollutants. <br />G-4 Page 145 <br />