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he 2009 legislative season was a year of change, transi- <br />tion, and challenge for the NCACC Legislative Team. <br />Considering the economic conditions facing our nation, <br />our state and counties, the Association had a positive year at the <br />legislative building. <br />The Association was successful in achieving many of its legis- <br />lative goals during the 2009 session. It is worth noting, however, <br />that many of our legislative goals involved requests for addi- <br />tional state funding. As the global economic crisis dramatically <br />changed, so did our expectations for these funding goals. Re- <br />quests for increased state funding turned into requests to sustain <br />our current funding levels. In many regards we were successful <br />in these efforts. But a $5 billion state shortfall laid the groundwork <br />for some extremely tough decisions for state budget writers, and <br />some of these decisions eventually impacted counties. <br />As is the case in any legislative session, the Legislative Team <br />also addressed issues that were not included in our stated goals. G-4 <br />,'~` <br />S`~ .~ <br />M ~: . ~ ~_ ~{~ 1 <br />` ~ ~• ~. -- <br />This summary report provides an update on our adopted legisla- <br />tive goals and other meaningful legislation. <br />The information included is this document is summarized in <br />three sections: <br />Section 1: Legislative Goals <br />Section 2: Budget Information <br />Section 3: Other Legislative Information <br />It is a privilege to represent you and the interests of the coun- <br />ties at the North Carolina General Assembly. The effectiveness of <br />our team is due in great measure to your actions, your contacts <br />and your commitment to quality county government. We appreci- <br />ate all your support. <br />If we can ever be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate <br />to contact us. <br />Best regards, <br />NCACC Legislative Team Page 132 <br />