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When payments are made to subconsultants, including material suppliers, firms at all levels <br />(Firm, subconsultant or subfirm) shall provide the Contract Administrator with an accounting of <br />said payments. The accounting shall be listed on the Department's Subcontractor Payment <br />Information Form (Form DBE -IS). In the event the firm has no subconsultant participation, the <br />firm shall indicate this on the Form DBE -IS by entering the word `None' or the number 'Zero and <br />the form shall be signed. Form DIBE -IS may be accessed on the website <br />hftps:/Iavi) <br />A responsible fiscal officer of the payee Firm, or subconsultant, who can attest to the date and <br />amount of the payments shall certify that the accounting is correct on the Form DBE -IS by <br />affixing their signature. This_ information shall be submitted as part of the requests for payments <br />made to the Department. <br />23 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F -5 Page 154 <br />