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Recommended Changes to the Cabarrus County Personnel Ordinance <br />Revisions Effective October 1, 2010 <br />Article VII. Separation, Disciplinary Actions, and Suspensions <br />Section 5. Pre - discipline Conference <br />(a) Before a regular employee may be subjected to any adverse action (disciplinary suspension without <br />pay, reassignment, demotion or dismissal), other than as noted in (b) below the following shall occur: <br />1. The supervisor recommending disciplinary action should discuss the recommendation with and <br />receive the approval of the department head, with notice to the Human Resources Director, to <br />schedule a conference. <br />2. A pre- discipline conference shall be held between management representatives and the employee. <br />No attorneys or other such representatives for either party need be present at this conference; a <br />witness or security personnel may be present if management deems necessary. The Human <br />Resources Director shall attend to monitor the pre - discipline conference process. A management <br />representative (usually the employee's supervisor) shall present the employee and the pre - <br />disciplinary conference decision maker (usually the department head) with written and specific <br />reasons for the proposed disciplinary action and a brief summary of the information that supports <br />it. The employee shall have a right to respond to the written notice of proposed action in the <br />conference. <br />3. After the end of the conference, the management representative responsible for the final decision <br />on the proposed action should review and reflect on the information provided in the conference, <br />and render a decision no sooner than the next day and no later than five working days. If the <br />management representative determines that a disciplinary action is justified, he /she shall present <br />the employee with a letter notifying the employee of the action. However, the management <br />representative may elect to defer the action, reconsider the entire issue, or initiate a disciplinary <br />action less severe than recommended. If, following deferral or reconsideration, the decision is to <br />take the proposed action, then no further conference is required. <br />4. The employee must be given written notice of any disciplinary action. The management <br />representative responsible for the final decision shall issue the written notice to include the <br />specific reasens or omissions that are the basis of d the action and the employee's right of <br />appeal. <br />(b) A pre - discipline conference shall not be held under the following circumstances: <br />1. When having a conference would be inconsistent with Section 3 of this Article where there is <br />immediate suspension for cause related to personal conduct in order to avoid undue disruption at <br />work, to protect the safety of persons or property, or for other serious reasons. <br />2. When the employee is physically unable to attend a conference. <br />3. When the employee waives the conference either through expressed intent or implied actions. <br />4. When to conduct a conference would otherwise not be practical. <br />(c) When a conference is not held as set forth under (b) above, the management representative <br />responsible for the final decision on the proposed action should review and reflect on all information <br />AOYdgi�?jg number 1 <br />F -12 <br />