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GHSP -06 <br />6. Property and Equipment. <br />(a) Maintenance and Inventory. The Agency shall maintain and inventory all property <br />and equipment purchased under this contract. <br />(b) Utilization. The property and equipment purchased under this contract must be <br />utilized by the Agency for the sole purpose of furthering the traffic safety efforts of <br />the Agency for the entire useful life of the property or equipment. <br />(c) Title Interest. The Department and NHTSA retain title interest in all property and <br />equipment purchased under this contract. In the event that the Agency fails or <br />refuses to comply with the provisions of this Agreement or terminates this contract, <br />the Department, at its discretion, may take either of the following actions: <br />(1) Require the Agency to purchase the property or equipment at fair market value or <br />other mutually agreed to amount; or <br />(ii) Require the Agency to transfer the property or equipment and title of said <br />property or equipment, if any, to the Department or to another Agency, as <br />directed by the Department. <br />(d) Non - expendable Property. Non - expendable property is defined as property or <br />equipment having a value of $5000 or more with a life expectancy of more than one <br />year. Non - expendable property purchased under this contract cannot be sold, <br />traded, or disposed of in any manner without the expressed written permission of the <br />Department. <br />7. Promotional or Other Materials. Any promotional or other materials developed using <br />funds from this contract must be reviewed and approved by the GHSP prior to their <br />production. The cost of promotional materials is limited to a maximum of $5.00 per item. <br />Items in excess of $5.00 may not be purchased without the expressed written approval <br />of the GHSP. <br />8. Review of Reports and Publications. Any reports, papers, publications, or other items <br />developed using funds from this contract must be reviewed and approved by the GHSP <br />prior to their release. <br />9. Reimbursement. <br />(a) General. Progress payments, based upon actual allowable costs for not less than <br />one (1) month or more than three (3) months may be made upon receipt of an <br />itemized invoice from the Agency on forms provided by the Department. The <br />itemized invoice shall be supported by documentation of costs as prescribed by the <br />Department. <br />(b) Approval. The Governor's Highway Safety Program and the Department's Fiscal <br />Section shall approve the itemized invoice prior to payment. <br />(c) Unapproved Costs. Any rejected or unaccepted costs shall be borne by the <br />Agency. The Agency agrees that in the event the Department determines that, due <br />to Federal or State regulations that grant funds must be refunded, the Agency will <br />reimburse the Department a sum of money equal to the amount of Federal and State <br />participation in the rejected costs. <br />(d) Final Reimbursement Claims. Final reimbursement claims must be received by the <br />GHSP within 30 days following the close of the approved contract period Project <br />funds not claimed by this date are subject to reversion. <br />(e) Expending Funds Under This Contract. Under no circumstances will <br />reimbursement be made for costs incurred prior to the contract effective date or after <br />the contract ending date. <br />AO%g" number 1 <br />Rev. 02/09 F -�7 <br />