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RFPR AVP1QF Split DEMO: Purchase from www.A- f yiel# ePar� tee ark <br />BID PROPOSAL FORM <br />Integrated Library Svstem <br />Contract Title and Bid Number, if applicable <br />The undersigned proposes to furnish and deliver the above goods /services pursuant to the <br />bid specification and made part hereof: <br />Ninety thousand nine hundred and seventy -two dollars <br />Amount in words <br />$_90,972.00 <br />Amount in numbers <br />_ The Library Corporation <br />Company Name <br />_Research Park, Inwood, WV 25428 <br />Address <br />Signature of Authorized Afent <br />Title: Director of Finance <br />800.325.7759 <br />Telephone Number <br />304.229.0295 <br />Fax Number <br />April 1, 2010 <br />52- 1043428 <br />Federal I.D. # or Social Security # <br />_Calvin Whittington <br />Type or Print Name <br />Date <br />cwhittington <br />E -mail address <br />The Library Corporation <br />Page 1 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />F -12 Page 219 <br />