Laserfiche WebLink
RFP Response for Springfield Free Public Library <br />18. The ILS must alert the staff member of any blocking conditions on ✓ <br />the patron record or the item during renewal. <br />19. The ILS must support the ability for an authorized staff member to ✓ <br />override blocks. <br />20. The ILS must support the ability to designate certain items as non- ✓ <br />circulating. These items will be stopped at check -out. <br />21. If a previously overdue or lost item is checked out to a new patron, <br />the ILS must automatically charge the previous patron or waive the ✓ <br />charges automatically according to library policy. <br />22. The ILS must support check -out receipts V / <br />23. The ILS must support the ability for the library to configure the V / contents of check -out receipts. <br />24. The ILS must support the ability for a custom note to be added to <br />check -out receipts. <br />25. All check -out transactions must update the patron and item <br />✓ <br />records immediately. <br />26. The ILS must support the ability for the staff member to toggle <br />✓ <br />between check -out and check -in functions with a single keystroke. <br />27. All alerts and on- screen messages must be accompanied by a <br />✓ <br />sound. <br />1M line Circulation <br />1. The ILS must provide an off line function to charge and discharge <br />materials on a circulation workstation or on a portable device and <br />✓ <br />to load these transactions into the on -line circulation System at a <br />later time. <br />2. The off line upload function should be integrated with the <br />circulation interface, not requiring the staff member to leave the <br />✓ <br />program in order to upload the files. <br />3. The ILS must produce a report of uploaded files showing any <br />exceptional conditions, such as items to be put in transit or items <br />✓ <br />to fill hold requests. <br />4. The ILS must allow the ability to compensate for unexpected <br />closed days when offline files are uploaded to prevent patrons <br />✓ <br />from being charged unfairly for overdues. <br />1. The ILS must support "book drop" or bulk check -in to allow rapid <br />check -in with minimal staff involvement. <br />2. The ILS must support "in- house" check -in to track the use of <br />materials used but not checked out. <br />3. The ILS must support a "shelving status "; a temporary status <br />assigned to items just checked -in but not yet on the shelf. <br />4. The ILS must retain an optional link to the previous borrower after <br />the item is checked -in. <br />5. After an item is checked -in, it must be possible to determine: <br />a. When (date, time) the item was checked -in <br />April 1, 2010 The Library Corporation <br />Page 7 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />F -12 Page 272 <br />