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RFP Response <br />c. When the item was last checked -out <br />6. The ILS must support check -in receipts. <br />for Springfield Free Public Library <br />✓ <br />1. The ILS must support the ability to automatically calculate overdue <br />✓ <br />fine amounts based on. patron and item type. <br />2. The ILS must alert the staff member of overdue fines on incoming <br />✓ <br />items and allow to Pay, Waive or Charge the patron account. <br />3. The ILS must support "distributed waives ", the ability to waive a <br />✓ <br />partial amount from several fines simultaneously. <br />4. The ILS must support the ability to access a patron account <br />✓ <br />directly from check -in or check -out to manage charges if desirable. <br />✓ <br />5. The ILS must support the ability for overdue fine amounts to <br />✓ <br />account for closed days and holidays. <br />✓ <br />6. The ILS must support the ability to manually add a charge to a <br />✓ <br />patron record. <br />✓ <br />7. The ILS must support the ability to add a note to any charge. <br />V/ <br />8. The ILS must support fine payment by credit or debit cards. Credit <br />. <br />card payments will be supported: <br />✓ <br />a. in the staff client <br />✓ <br />b. by patrons from the PAC <br />✓ <br />9. When making payments, the ILS must accept an overpayment and <br />✓ <br />add the amount as a credit to the patron account. <br />10. The ILS must keep all completed account transactions in a patron <br />✓ <br />account history for a library- determined length of time. <br />11. The ILS must support the ability to retain item data in the patron <br />✓ <br />financial history (charges /payments) even if the item is deleted. <br />12. The ILS must support printing of fine receipts. <br />V/ <br />13. The ILS must support the ability for the content of fine receipts to <br />✓ <br />be configured by library. <br />14. The ILS must support the ability for the staff member to manually <br />✓ <br />declare an item lost. <br />15. The ILS must automatically set items long overdue to lost when <br />✓ <br />billed. <br />16. The ILS must support the ability for library to establish default <br />replacement costs by material type if the replacement cost cannot <br />✓ <br />be determined from the item. <br />17. The ILS must support the ability for each library to establish <br />default processing fees by material type, to be included in the <br />✓ <br />charges for lost items. <br />April 1, 2010 The Library Corporation <br />Page 8 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />F -12 Page 273 <br />7. The ILS must alert the staff member to items that should trap for a ✓ <br />hold request. <br />