Laserfiche WebLink
RFP Response <br />for Springfield Free Public Library <br />28. The ILS must support the ability to suppress on -order items and ✓ <br />on -order bibliographic records from display in the PAC. <br />29. The ILS must support the ability to detect duplicate orders and ✓ <br />provide an alert of duplication at the time the order is created. <br />30. The ILS must support the ability to create and activate new vendor ✓ <br />accounts without ILS vendor intervention. <br />31. The ILS must provide an acquisition status report that includes <br />appropriates, encumbrances, expenditures, and funds available ✓ <br />(purchasing power). <br />Vendor to highlight Acquisitions strengths it feels its ILS has for the library. (Insert sheets as <br />required) <br />TLC: Online Selection & Acquisitions simplifies the complexities of acquisitions with capabilities <br />that include: <br />• Centralized and de- centralized collection development and selection <br />• Fund management and reporting <br />• Electronic ordering with acknowledgements <br />• Electronic invoices <br />• Order management and reporting <br />OSA has the ability to search all your online vendors automatically and view reviews, excerpts <br />and book jackets to enhance the collection development process. OSA can automatically <br />upgrade brief on order records to full MARC ( from your preferred sources) and download them <br />into the catalog where patrons can place holds on items with an on order status. <br />Current List Prices and the Latest Titles <br />Databases included and updated weekly are from Baker & Taylor, Brodart, BWI, Ingram, <br />Recorded Books, Midwest Tapes, and Quality Books. Each provides current list prices and <br />titles. You can search them and other Z39.50 accessible databases individually or concurrently <br />to create selection lists. Then, "share" your lists among staff members. <br />Electronic Orders, Acknowledgements, and Invoices <br />Online Selection & Acquisitions uses the industry standard X12 format to electronically transmit <br />orders, and to receive order confirmations and electronic invoices. Order confirmations allow <br />you to determine order status without visiting the vendor's Web site. Electronic invoicing <br />eliminates having to manually match items to an invoice. <br />Workflow Efficiencies <br />You can provide workflow efficiencies: <br />• Select titles and apply distribution quantities in one step <br />• View fund effects before transmitting orders to vendors <br />• Use powerful and up to the minute fund and order management reporting capabilities <br />• Manage your receipts independently of your invoice approval process <br />April 1, 2010 The Library Corporation Page 24 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />F -12 Page 289 <br />