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FY 2011 New Personnel <br />.� cwpmua.... w ye.a ICyYCSI iC][BG{Iy Wnai the pOScoon wni oe oom y <br />The Cabarrus County Public Library has been awarded a grant from the Cabarrus Partnership for Children to provide a family literacy program to the parents and caregivers of children ages birth <br />thru S. The program involves hiring two new employees --one full time and one part time. The grant is for September 30, 2010 thru June 30, 2011 with possible renewal. <br />The full time position is a Family Literacy Coordinator. Their duties will be as follows: <br />General Statement: <br />Employee will plan, coordinate, and present programs for parents designed to train them to interactively read and share books with their children. Employee will present story time programs to <br />children. Employee will work with other agencies and organizations in the community to plan and promote programs. <br />Essential Job Functions <br />• Supervises and evaluates the Family Literacy staff to ensure that all Family Literacy staff effectively perform the duties specified in their job description. <br />• Using the "Every Child Ready to Read" program developed by the American Library Association, teaches parents specific skills to interactively read and share books with their children in order to <br />stimulate intellectual development and develop reading readiness. Training sessions will be held at <br />Cabarrus County Public Library locations and in a variety of locations within the community in accordance with the terms of the CCPC Family Literacy grant. <br />• Employing the skills taught in the Every Child Ready to Read program, presents programs designed to motivate preschool children's interest in books, story telling and other pre - literacy skills. <br />• Finds venues for training sessions and arranges logistics for those locations. Advertises and promotes programs, using a variety of methods. <br />• Works in the community to plan and promote programs. This includes speaking with parent groups at preschools and daycare centers, at PTO programs, churches and other community <br />organizations. One on one invitations in the community and at businesses are also required. <br />• Translates and prepares library information and brochures in Spanish and English. <br />• Works with local agencies serving children, such as the Cabarrus County Partnership for Children, United Family Services, Health Alliance and others, to promote family literacy training sessions. <br />• Coordinates with the Library's Children's Services staff to develop unified presentation methods and to identify target audiences for Family Literacy programs. <br />• Helps program participants to register for library cards and use library resources. <br />• Collects data for reporting to CCPC and evaluating the success of the Family Literacy Program. <br />• Makes recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the program. <br />Minimum Training & Experience <br />Fluency in Spanish and English, both written and spoken for selected positions. A 4 -year degree in education, languages or other liberal arts, or some post- secondary education and advanced <br />knowledge of Spanish language and Latino culture, or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. <br />Other Reouirements: <br />Valid NC Drivers License and use of personal vehicle. <br />Related to County' <br />Strategic Goal # <br />Please explain how this program is related to thisithese strategic goal (s <br />Are Performance Measures submitted to the Budget office on a Monthly and/or Quarterly basis for this program (YIN)? If yes, what measures do you <br />currently submit and how do you expect the measures to change as a result of this new position? <br />no <br />I If no measures are submitted, please explain what measures you intend to start tracking to show benefits of this new position and when you expect to <br />begin reoortina on a regular basis. ' <br />Family Literacy staff will keep statistics for: # of presentations to community groups, # of newspaper articles, # of sessions held, # of families enrolled in <br />workshops and attending at least one session, # of children impacted, # of families that complete all four sessions, # of workshops held for childcare providers, # <br />of childcare providers attending workshops and % of surveys completed. The results will be compared according to the outputs and outcomes projected in the <br />grant application. The statistics are reported to the Cabarrus Partnership for Children quarterly. <br />IWIII this position generate revenue (YIN)? If so, provide any offsetting fees or revenue to be generated as a result of this position only. If grant funded, <br />no <br />Additional Personnel <br />5of8 <br />F -13 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 348 <br />_- <br />z ' <br />5of8 <br />F -13 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 348 <br />