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DRAFT <br />Community Adoption Program <br />Cabarrus County <br />Guidelines and Standards <br />It is the intent of the Board of Commissioners to end the killing of adoptable animals in the Cabamzs County <br />Animal Shelter. In order to accomplish this, the Board of Commissioners is establishing the following guidelines <br />to be used in the establishment and operation of a community wide adoption program: <br />• No animal should be killed if the animal can be placed in a suitable home, if a private sheltering <br />agency or rescue group is willing to take care and custody of the animal for purposes of adoption, or, <br />in the case of feral cats, if they can be sterilized and released to their habitats; <br />• Animals held in shelters deserve proper care and humane treatment including prompt veterinary <br />care, adequate nutrition, shelter, exercise, environmental enrichment, and water; <br />• The shelter and private rescue organizations have a duty to make all adoptable animals available for a <br />reasonable period of time; <br />• Owners of lost animals should have a reasonable period of time within which to redeem their <br />animals; <br />• All efforts should be made to encourage the voluntary spaying and neutering of animals; <br />• When euthanasia is necessary for an animal, it should be done as humanely and compassionately as <br />possible; <br />• The Cabamis County Animal Shelter and community adoption program should be operated in a <br />transparent manner at all times, to include reporting procedures and shelter operations, thereby <br />building trust with the community; <br />• The Board of Commissioners further encourages any rescue organization operating in Cabamts <br />County, and participating in the community adoption program to: <br />• Commit themselves anew to ending the killing of savable animals in their care and custody; <br />• Work cooperatively with other animal adoption organizations to the fullest extent to promote the <br />adoption of animals and to reduce the rate of killing; <br />• Provide every animal in their custody with individual consideration and care, regardless of how many <br />animals they take in, or whether such animals are healthy, unweaned, elderly, sick, injured, <br />traumatized, feral, aggressive, or of a particular breed; <br />• Not ban, bar, limit or otherwise obstruct the adoption of any animal based on arbitrary criteria, such <br />as breed, age, color, or other criteria except as to the individual animal's medical condition or <br />aggression, or the adopter's fitness to adopt. <br />• If needed, adjust operating hours to be open to the public for adoption in the evening to allow for <br />greater contact with the public; <br />• Implement and/or strengthen their programs to save lives, including free and low -cost spay /neuter <br />services for animals, including feral cats; a foster -care network for animals needing special care, <br />including unweaned, traumatized, sick and injured animals; comprehensive adoption programs that <br />operate during weekend and evening hours and include adoption venues other than the shelter; <br />medical and behavioral rehabilitation programs; pet- retention programs to solve medical, <br />environmental, and behavioral problems and keep animals with their caring and responsible owners; <br />and, volunteer programs to help socialize animals, promote adoptions, and assist in the operations of <br />the shelter. <br />-3- <br />Attachment number 1 <br />E -1 Page 27 <br />