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7 <br />Ci <br />and detainer, ejectment or otherwise, or any execution of any judgment or decree obtained in any action to <br />recover possession of the Premises, shall not be construed as an election to terminate this Lease unless <br />Landlord expressly exercises its option hereinbefore provided to declare the term hereof ended, whether or <br />not such entry or re-entry be had or taken under summary proceedings or otherwise. Such action shall not <br />be deemed to have absolved or discharged Tenant from any of its obligations and liabilities for the <br />remainder of the Term of this Lease. Tenant shall, notwithstanding such entry or re-entry, continue to be <br />liable for the payment of the rents and other charges and the performance of the other covenants and <br />conditions contained herein and shall pay to Landlord all monthly deficits after such re-entry in monthly <br />installments as the amounts of such deficits from time to time are ascertained. If Tenant at any time shall <br />fail or refuse to pay any Additional Rent, or liens, or shall fail or refuse to make any payment or perform <br />any act required by this Lease to be made or performed by it, Landlord, without waiving or releasing Tenant <br />from any obligation or default under this Lease, may (but shall be under no obligation to) at any time <br />thereafter make such payment or perform such act for the account and at the expense of Tenant. All <br />amounts so paid by Landlord and all costs and expenses so incurred shall accrue interest at the Default Rate <br />from the date of payment thereof by Landlord, shall constitute Additional Rent payable by Tenant under this <br />Lease and shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord upon demand. All other amounts payable by Tenant to <br />Landlord under this Lease, if not paid when due, shall accrue interest at the Default Rate from their due date <br />until paid, said interest to be Additional Rent under this Lease to be paid to Landlord upon demand. <br />All rights and remedies of Landlord herein enumerated shall be cumulative, and shall not exclude <br />any other remedies allowed at law or in equity. Landlord shall have a duty to take all reasonable steps to <br />mitigate any damages incurred as a result of a default by Tenant. <br />7.2 Rent Demand. Every demand for Additional Rent due wherever and whenever made shall <br />have the same effect as if made at the time it falls due and at the place of payment, and after the service of <br />any notice or commencement of any suit, or final judgment therein, Landlord may receive and collect any <br />Additional Rent due, and such collection or receipt shall not operate as a waiver of or affect such notice, suit <br />or j udgment. <br />ARTICLE 8 <br />DAMAGE TO OR DESTRUCTION <br />OF THE LEASED PREMISES <br />8.1 Partial Damage to Premises. Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord in writing upon the <br />occurrence of any material damage to the Premises. If the Premises is only partially damaged (i.e., less than <br />fifty percent (50%) of the Premises is untenantable as a result of such damage or less than fifty percent <br />(50%) of Tenant's operations are materially impaired), this Lease shall remain in effect and Landlord shall <br />repair the damage (but not trade fixtures of Tenant, alterations owned by Tenant or any utility installations) <br />as soon as reasonably possible. If the insurance proceeds received by Landlord are not sufficient to pay the <br />entire costs of repair (except for the amount of the deductible), or if the cause of the damage is not covered <br />by the insurance policies, Landlord may elect either to (i) repair the damage as soon as reasonably possible, <br />in which case the Lease will remain in full force and effect or (ii) terminate this Lease as of the date the <br />damage occurred. Landlord shall notify Tenant within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of the <br />occurrence of the damage whether Landlord elects to repair the damage or terminate the Lease. If Landlord <br />elects to repair the damage, Tenant shall pay the "deductible amount" under any insurance policies set forth <br />in ARTICLE 3 and, if the damage was due to an act or omission of Tenant, or Tenant's employees, agents, <br />contractors or invitees, the difference between the actual cost of repair and any insurance proceeds received <br />by Landlord. If Landlord elects to terminate the Lease, Tenant may elect to continue this Lease in full force <br />10 <br /> r <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F - 6 Page 187 of 286 <br />