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<br /> <br />W. Substance Abuse -For the purpose of this policy any use of alcohol, an illegal drug, or a lawful drug <br />' which directly and adversely affects job performance or safety. <br />X. Supervisor/Department Head - A County employee to whom another employee or group of employees <br />' report. <br />Y. USC -United States Code. <br />' III. Prohibited Acts <br />A. The County prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any <br />alcoholic beverage or any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, or <br />any other controlled substance as defined in 21 USC § 812, and as further defined in federal regulations <br />' at 21 CFR § 1308.11 through 1308.15, and in NCGS 90-86 et seq. <br />B. The County prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages by any employee: <br />' 1. During work hours including lunch time and breaks; <br />2. While operating County equipment (including vehicles); <br />3. While on any property owned, leased, or rented by Cabarrus County except the Historic Cabarrus <br />' Courthouse or the Cabarrus County Arena and Events Center during an event or function in which <br />alcohol use is allowed as provided in B.4. below; <br />4. At any time the employee is acting in the course and scope of his or her employment with the <br />County, except while attending business, social and other functions. The business or social <br />situations would normally occur after work hours and the employee would not be returning to his or <br />her normal work site. This would not preclude an employee's return to work on an emergency need <br />basis as long as current state driving standards are met; <br />' S. At any other time that the employee's use of alcoholic beverages has or may have a direct and <br />adverse effect upon the performance of his or her job. <br />' C. The County prohibits the use of prescription or lawful non-prescription medications by an employee <br />while operating County equipment (including vehicles) or when acting in the course and scope of his or <br />her employment with the County when the use has a direct and adverse effect upon the safe operation of <br />' equipment or a vehicle or on the performance of his or her duties. <br />D. Employees in safety-sensitive positions may not take prescription medications while at work or expected <br />' to be available to work, unless the prescription medications are prescribed by a physician who <br />considered the safety sensitive nature of the employee's job when prescribing the medication. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />IV. Duties of Emgloyees <br />A. As a condition of initial and continuing employment, each employee shall: <br />1. Comply with the terms of this policy and any rules or procedures promulgated thereunder; <br />2. Notify his or her supervisor in writing of any conviction pursuant to any criminal drug or alcohol <br />statute no later than five days after such conviction. For purposes of this policy a plea of guilty, no <br />contest, or polo contendere is a conviction; <br />4 <br />' F-11 Page 185 of 320 <br />