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Fund Balance Appropriations <br />June 30, 2008 <br />Undesignated Fund Balance As of June 30, 2008 <br />2008 Budgeted Expenditures as of May 21, 2009 <br />Less 15% Fund Balance Policy <br />Fund Balance Above 15% Policy <br />Fund Balance Appropriated FY 2009 <br />Ongoing projects/grants not completed by June 30, 2008 <br />Grants not completed by June 30, 2008, Cannon Trust Library Grant Funds <br />Other <br />Kannapolis Fire Department Contract <br />Total <br />203,882,464 <br />30,582,370 <br />$ 6,053,806 <br />1,200,877 <br />140, 500 <br />36,776 <br />368,591 <br />$ 1,746,744 <br />Amount to be transferred to Capital <br />Reserve Fund per Board Policy $ 4,307,062 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F-5 Page 121 of 433 <br />