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this is the services that we (Cabarrus County Parks <br />deadlines and they need to be addressed. <br />Southeast Cabarrus Park -Director Londa Strong. <br />Gave a brief update on the progress on the master planning of the Southeast project, <br />the Midland Steering Committee attended the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />work session and will be attending the Commissioners meeting scheduled for July 20 to <br />approve W.K. Dickson for $207,000 for the Master Plan for the project. Margaret <br />Houston and John Parker are representatives onthis steering committee for the <br />Southeast project. The time table is set for December to have the Master Plan ready to <br />start the 1St phrase of the project. <br />LCB Quarterly Update in August agenda item was tabled until the August meeting. <br />4. Carolina Thread Trail -Travis Morehead, Carolina Thread Trail Greenway Masterplan <br />Draft. The Cabarrus County Parks Commission members entered into a meeting with <br />the Cabarrus County Planning and Zoning members in the Commissioners Chambers for <br />a briefing from Travis Morehead on the Carolina Thread Trail Greenway Masterplan <br />Draft after their adjournment. No action was taken in this meeting. Updates are <br />expected on the CTT Masterplan Draft. <br />New Business <br />1. Performance Measures -Director Londa Strong. This was presented by Londa Strong as <br />a briefing on what to expect for future planning for our department. We are in the <br />process of working with the Parks Program Managers from each district in developing <br />performance measures. Director Londa Strong recommended a committee to be set <br />to up work with the Parks Program Managers to work together to set up performance <br />measures that would be note worthy of Cabarrus County. It has been requested that <br />Budget Analyst Francesa Martin work with the Parks Program Managers to develop <br />three meaningful area measures that we can benchmark for Cabarrus County. Director <br />Londa Strong has been working with Dr. Melton Cooper with Eastern Carolina University <br />that is heading this program up with the Recreation Resource Services to help set <br />Performance Measures across the North Carolina. The Finance Committee members <br />were recommended to work on this agenda item. <br />Focus Groups -Park Superintendent, Randy Daniels. Recommended Focus Groups be <br />set up for each park. This would be coordinated with the Park Managers from each <br />district to set up an annual meeting, invite people in the surrounding areas that use the <br />parks, use the database to contact park users, ballplayers, maintenance staff would be <br />included with these groups and get feedback on what is needed in the parks and what <br />do you what see in the parks to make these areas more performance based areas, how <br />could we meet the needs of the public and what Cabarrus County wants to see in these <br />park areas. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 165 of 315 <br />F-8 <br />