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AI•ticle VII. Separation, Disciplinary Actions, and Suspellsious;- <br />Section 1. Separation from Emulovment <br />Separation occurs when an employee leaves the pay-•oll for reasons indicated below. Cmployees who have <br />acquired regular employment status will not be subject to invohmtary separation or suspension except for cause <br />orreduction-in-force. <br />(a} Resignation or Retirement. An employee may terminate his services with the County by submitting a <br />written resignation or request for retirement to the department head (or in the case of department heads <br />to the County Manager). It is expected that an employee will give at least hvo weeks (four weeks for <br />department heads) notice prior to • -the separation date. <br />(b) Dismissal. Dismissal is involuntary separation for cause, and shall be made in accordance with the <br />provisions of Section 5 of this Article, except for those employees identitied in Article 1.2(b). Pre- <br />d:~ .1: l~,.. F <br />(c) Separation During Probation. An employee may be dismissed at any time during the probationary <br />period for failure in performance of duties or failure in personal conduct. Separation during the <br />probationary period creates no right of grievance or appeal pursuant to Article VI[[ of this Ordinance. <br />(ed)Reduction- in- Force. For reasons of cur4ailntent of work, reorganization, or lack of fiords the <br />appointing authority may separate employees. Retention of employees in classes affected shall be based <br />on systematic consideration of type of appointment, length of service and relative efficiency. No regular <br />employee shall be separated while there are emergency, intermittent, temporary, probationary, or <br />trainee employees in their first six months of the trainee progression serving in the same or <br />related class, unless the regular employee is not willing to transfer to the position held by the uarr- <br />regular employee, or the regular employee does not have the knowledge and skills required to perform <br />the work of the alternate position within a reasonable period of orientation and training given any new <br />employee. Employees laid off because of a reduction in force shall be given at least 30 calendar days <br />notice.-t~a+rr• {~l}~eeks~-tet+ee: <br />(de) Voluntary Resignation Without Notice. An employee voluntarily terminates employment by failing <br />to report to work without giving written or verbal notice to the employing department and-~tteFt-o <br />e-npleyee is absent without approved leave ne scheduled <br />workdays. Termiriftcivi;-Separation pursuant to this policy should not occur until the employing <br />department has undertaken reasonable efforts; to establish that the employee was able to give or have <br />someone else give notice during the period e€-it~t+estiertabsent. This provision also applies when <br />the employee is absent for at-leftst-thr~~e~13}eet}seettt~-ve;one scheduled workdays, has been instructed <br />verbally or in writing of a specific manner of repotting by management, and does not report to the <br />appropriate supervisory personnel on a regular Uasis satisfactory to the employing sgerreydepartntent. <br />Such terminations are voluntary resignations from employment and create no right <br />of grievance or appeal pursuant to Article VIII of this eOrdinance. <br />(et) Separation Due to Uuavail.~bility When Leave is I!uxhausted. An employee may be separated on the <br />basis of unavailability when the employee becomes or remains unavailable for work after ftl•1-applicable <br />leave has been exhausted and depetttuet~t-tree+rtrge+~~er~~-Bees--~et-gta+rt-ft-leave without pay has not been <br />granted for reasons deemed sufficient by the department. Such reasons include but are not limited to, <br />lack of suitable temporary assistance, criticality of the position, budgetary constraints, etc. Such a <br />separation is an involuntary separation, ft+rc-I-not a disciplinary dismissal, and may be grieved or <br />40 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F-5 Page 168 of 362 <br />