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Long run, I believe urban in-fill projects such as The Old Creamery, Gibson Mill and Locke Mill <br />will have a competitive advantage. <br />If you compare the plight of General Motors with that of cotmnercial real-estate development, <br />there is great insight. While the marketplace kept demanding gas guzzling SWs and pick-up <br />trucks, GM did riot make sufficient investments in forward-looking, environmentally sensitive <br />cats and trucks to compete with Toyota and Honda. In a matter of months, the company leas had <br />to drastically shift its business strategy to compete in a new economy, where the marketplace has <br />demanded smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. An investment by Cabarrus County in smart-growth <br />is similar to an investment in hybrid or electrical cars. When prospective office and retail tenants <br />seek unique, environmentally sensitive developments, The Old Creamery and our community will <br />be available to meet this demand and seize the correlating job-creation and tax-revenue <br />opportunities. <br />The Old Creamery -and similar properties - is exactly the kind of investment that our <br />community needs for many reasons. It is consistent with our county's long-term growth and <br />land-use plan; it preserves green-space; and it synchs with mass transit, bike lanes and sidewalks. <br />It uses existing infrashuchrre, saving local municipalities fiom extending roads, water and sewer <br />lines to far-away places. In addition, it recycles an older building; it preserves our history and <br />culture; it is unique, creates a sense of place, and enhances quality of life. Moreover, it will likely <br />encourage additional te-investment in surrounding properties. <br />IV. WHY FIVE YEARS INSTEAD OF THREE? <br />This project requires significant speculation. That means spending money up-front before there <br />are any significant commitments from tenants. Only spending money and performing the <br />improvements will draw people to the project. I often tell people, if this project could not lease <br />up in the "go-go days" of 2003 to 2008, when would it ever lease up? Most people snnply cannot <br />see the vision. I have to create the vision by renovating the property and bringing it closer to life. <br />With along-term horizon, I assume that this project will take time before gaining significant <br />traction. In order to get the project "off the ground," I intend to pass along savings of these taxes <br />breaks to tenants. By having five years, rathet• than three, these lower lease rates will enable the <br />project to get the momentum necessary to lease all or• a significant portion of the buildings. I am <br />afraid that three years is not enough time to ensure that The Old Creamery attracts a critical mass <br />of tenants. Once the building is fully leased, it will become an asset for the county by generating <br />returns in the form of property and sales taxes as well as facilitating economic development <br />through job-creation and surrounding re-developments. <br />VI. WHY SHOULD WE FUND A PROJECT WITH RETAIL SPACE? <br />The Old Creamery offers office and retail spaces, both of which create jobs. The property is <br />designed to respond to the demands of the market -office or retail. Accommodating both user- <br />types is critical to the project's success. Given how retail/consumer spending has tapered in this <br />economic downturn, I anticipate relatively strong office demand. In arr effort to market this <br />property to those users, I am working with the Economic Development Commission, the <br />Charlotte Commercial Property Exchange, CCIM, and national and regional brokerage firms. I <br />am optimistic about the possibility of capturing office tenants given the interest from prospective <br />businesses and brokers in recent months, and, in fact, I am prepared to put any interested office <br />user on the first floor. <br />3 <br />267 Corban Avenue SW, Concord, NC 28025 P.O. Box 145, Concord, NC 2802~ttachmentnumber2 <br />704.262.6314 Direct 704.792.2255 Fax www.harrismorrisonc~ n5pa°ny com <br />