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Page 3 of 13 <br />9. Approval of Subcontract or Assignability. The Agency shall not assign all or any portion of ifs <br />interest in this contract, nor shah any of the work or services to be performed under this <br />contract. by the Agency. be subcontracted, without the prior written approval of the Council. <br />Federal funds shall not be awarded to any sub-recipients who have been suspended by the <br />Federal government. In adds#ion, Federal funds may not be used to purchase goods or <br />services costing over $100,000 from a vendor that has been suspended or debarred from <br />Federal grant programs. <br />10. Monitoring, Review and Coordination. To insure adequate review and evaluation of the work <br />and proper coordination among interested parties, the Council shall be kept fully informed <br />concerning the progress of the work and services to be performed hereunder. Council's staff <br />wilt conduct scheduled on-site assessments and may also make unannounced visits far the <br />purpose of evalua#ing the Agency's work. <br />11. Reports. The Agency shall furnish the Council with monthly financial and program reports in <br />such form as may be specified by the Councils staff. Monthly program and quarterly program <br />narrative reports shall be furnished #o the Council on the tenth (10~fi) calendar day following the <br />end of each month and quarter. At that time, the Agency shall also submit copies of forms <br />documenting any enrollee intake or enrollee termination. Monthly financial reports shalt be <br />furnished within five (5) business days after the end of each month. Such reports shall consist <br />. of summary informatton'taken from records on file at the Agency. In no case shall the Agency <br />disclose information about services provided fo older persons in a form that identifies any <br />individual without hislher written consent. <br />12. Accounting. The Agency shall maintain complete accounting records sufficient fo document <br />receipts and expenditures of federal funds under this agreement. The accounting records shall <br />document the collection of local matching resources as specified in paragraph 7. All <br />accounting records should be maintained in accordance with the North Carolina Local <br />Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act and the Manual of Policies and Procedures issued <br />by the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services. <br />13. Inspections. Authorized representatives of the Council and the North Carolina Division of Aging <br />and Adult Services may at any reasonable times review and inspect the Project activities and <br />data collected pursuant to this contract. All reports and computat(ons prepared by or for the <br />Agency shall be made available to authorized representatives of the Council and the North <br />Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services for inspection and review at any reasonable times <br />In~fhe Agency's office. Approval and acceptance of such material shall not relieve fhe Agency <br />of its professional obligation to correct, at its expense, any errors found in the work. In addition, <br />fhe U.S. Comptroller General and his representatives will have the authority to: <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 74 of 362 <br />F-1 <br />