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Page 2 of 13 <br />5. Compensation and Method of Payment. The Agency shall be compensated for the work and <br />services actually performed under this contract by payments to be made monthly by the <br />Council. However, the total compensation and reimbursement to be paid the Agency under this <br />contract shall not exceed the sum of $74,676 in federal grant funds. The obligation of the <br />Council to compensate the agency is strictly contingent upon the receipt by the Council of Title <br />V Older Americans ARRA grant funds from the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult <br />Services. <br />6. Reimbursement of Service Costs. On or before the fifth (5) business day of each month during <br />the contract, the Agency shall submit to the Council a monthly report of previous months <br />expenditures by the Agency specltically authorized in the Agency's Older American Community <br />Service Employment Program Budget Summary (attached here#o as Exhibit A). Subject to the <br />Council's right to verify the accuracy of the report and the satisfactory performance of the work <br />evidenced thereby, the Council will make payments fo the Agency as the work progresses. <br />The Agency will be reimbursed an amount equal to ninety percent 9( 0%) of the total <br />disbursements of the Agency during the month. in no event will the Agency be reimbursed in an <br />amount that in excess of the maximum compensation payable pursuant to paragraph 5. <br />7. Collection of Nan-Federal Matching Resources. Recognizing its obligation to provide matching <br />resources under this agreement, the Agency hereby agrees to secure and contribute to the <br />Project local matching resources of not less than ten percent (90%) of the total Project costs. <br />In no case shall the local match directly or indirectly consist of federal funds from any source <br />nor may any of the funds paid the Agency hereunder be used to match any other federal funds. <br />{The amounts and sources of the non-fedora! match are described in the Agency`s signed <br />" Commitment of Financial Support and Cooperative Activities" .) <br />8. Agency's Personnel. The Agency represents that it has, or will secure all personnel required to <br />perform the services provided for under this contract. Such personnel shall not be employees <br />of the Council, nor shall such personnel have been employees of the Council during any time <br />within the twelve (92) month period immediately prior to the date of this contract, except with <br />the express pricr written consent of the Council's Executive Director. The Agency shall procure <br />a fidelity bond for all persons authorized to receive or disburse Project funds. Agency's <br />personnel having access to property or funds belonging to any cllenfs served under this <br />contract should also be bonded in an amount of at least $90,000. Public agencies shalt procure <br />a pubic employees' faithful peroormance blanket band. Non-governmental agencies shall <br />procure either a blanket fidelity bond or a' name schedule fidelity bond. The bond limit for <br />persons authorized to receive and disburse grant funds shall be the lesser of the amount of <br />compensation specified in paragraph 5 or $900,000. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 73 of 362 <br />F-1 <br />