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Pag <br />accomplishmen <br />is <br />State Grants State Grants State Grants S#ate Grants Ste <br />Compliance Compliance Compliance Compliance Co <br />Reporting: <~ Reporting: >=$25,000 Reporting: >=$25,000 Reporting: >=$25,000 Reportir <br />$25,000 <br />N/A Schedule of Grantee Schedule of Grantee Schedule of Grantee Schedu <br /> Receipts >$25,000 or Receipfs >$25,000 or Receipts >$25,000 or Receip# <br /> more and Schedule more and Schedule more and Schedule more z <br /> of Receipts and of Receipts and ~ of Receipts and of Re <br /> Expenditures OR Expenditures OR Expenditures OR Expe! <br /> Audited Financial Audited Financial Audited Financial AuditE <br /> Statements in Statements in Statements in Sfat <br /> Compliance with Compliance with Compliance with Comi <br /> GAO/ GAS GAO/ GAS GAO/ GAS G~ <br />Due within six Due within six (6) Due within nine (9) Due within nine (9) Due w <br />(6) months of months of entity's months of entity's months of entit~s montF <br />entitys fiscal fiscal year to fiscal year to fiscal year to fisc <br />year to Centralina Centralina and Office Centralina and Office Centrali <br />Centralina of the State Auditor of the State Auditor of the <br />N/A Separate program Program activities Program activities Progr~ <br /> activities and and accomplishments and accomplishments and acc+ <br /> accom lishments <br />Funds Not Funds Not Allowed May use State Funds May use Stafe AND May t <br />Allowed for for Cast of Audit for Cost of Audit but Federal Funds for Funds <br />Cost of Audit NOT Federal Funds Cost of Audit Audit buy ivy i elate <br /> Funds <br />Particular attention should be given to: <br />• ~ Audit Advisory # 2: Rewrite of G.S. 143-8.1 <br />• Memorandum NGO-1: " Grantee Receipt and Expenditure Reports" <br />• Memorandum NGO-2: " Grantee Audit Reports" <br />• Memorandum NGO-3: " Questions and Answers" Page 6 of 7 <br />The following provides a summary of reporting requirements under NCGS 143-ti.1 and <br />OMi3 Circular A-1~3 based upon funding received and expended during the service provider' s <br />fiscal year. <br />it fs further understood that the Agency is responsible to the Council for clarifying any <br />audit exceptions that may arise from any assessment, Agency single or financial audit, or <br />audits conducted by the State or Federal Governmen#s. in the event the Council or the North <br />Carolina Department of Health and Human Services disallows any expenditure of grant funds <br />made by the Agency for any reason, the Agency shall promptly reimburse such funds to the <br />Council. The Counci! may also withhold future payments under this or any other contract with <br />the Agency until the audit exceptions are cleared. <br />28. Indemnity. The Agency agrees #o the extent allowable by law to indemnify and save harmless <br />the Council, its agents and employees from and against any and ail .loss, cost, damages, <br />expense and liabili#y arising out of the Agency's pertormance under this Agreement. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 82 of 362 <br />F-1 <br />