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Page 12 of 13 <br />29. Chan es. The Council may require changes in the work and services, which the Agency is to <br />perform hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the <br />Agency's compensation, which.are mutually agreed upon by and between the Council and the <br />Agency, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this contrac#. <br />30. Termination of Contract for Cause. If #hrough any cause, the Agency shall fail to fulfill in a <br />timely and proper manner its obligations under this contract, or if the Agency shall violate any of <br />the covenants, agreements, representations or stipule#ions of this contract, the Council shall <br />therefore have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the Agency of such <br />termina#lon and specifying the effective date thereof. In such event, all finished documents and <br />other materials collected or produced under this contract shall, at the option of the Council, <br />become the properly of the Council. The Agency shall be entitled to receive just and equitable <br />compensation for any work satisfactorily performed under this contract, except to the extent <br />that such work must 'be duplicated in order .to complete the contract. Notwithstanding the <br />foregoing, the Agency shall not be relieved of liability to the Council for damages sustained by <br />the Council by vir#ue of any breach of this contract by the Agency and the Council may withhold <br />payment of any additional sums as security for payment of damages caused by the Agency's <br />breach, until such time as the exact amount of the damages resulting from such breach is. <br />determined. <br />- 31. Termination for Convenience. The Council may terminate this contract for the convenience of <br />the Council at any time by giving written notice of such termination and specifying the date <br />thereof, no fewer than ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of such kermination. In that <br />event, ail finished or unfinished documents and other materials produced or collected shall, at <br />the option of the Council, become the property of the Council. If this contract is terminated by <br />the Council as provided in this paragraph, the Agency will be paid the grant reimbursement <br />percentage, described [n paragraph 6, of the actual allowable expenses that have been <br />incurred by the Agency prior to the effective date of such termination, Eess payments of <br />compensation previously made. Provided, however, if this contract Is terminated because of <br />default by the Agency the provisions of paragraph 30 hereof shall prevail. <br />32. Disputes and Appeals. Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this Agreement <br />shall be identified to the designated grant administrator for the Area Agency on Aging. in <br />accordance with the Lead Regional Organization (LRO) policy, a written decision shall be <br />promptly furnished to the designated grant administrator for the Agency. The decision of the <br />LRO is final unless within twenty (20) days of receipt of such decision the Chairman of the <br />Board of Commissioners or Board Director furnishes a written request for appeal to the Director <br />of the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services, with a copy sent to the Area <br />Agency. The request far appeal shall state the exact nature of the complaint. The Division of <br />Aging and Adult Services will inform the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners .Or Board <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 83 of 362 <br />F-1 <br />