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THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br />October 28 and November 4, 2009 <br /> <br />CABARRUSCOUNTY <br />Board of Commissioners Meeting <br />Commissioners Meeting Room, 2nd Floor <br />65 Church SL 5E, Concord, NC 28026 <br />~~ Mbnday, Novemher 161h @ 6:30 PM <br />~i PUBUC HEARING <br />TEXT2009.00008•Proposed text amendment <br />to modify Appendix B mid Chapter 5- Sec- <br />tion 5.9, C•Commercial Oeslgn Standards. <br />TEXT2009.60009-Proposed text amendment <br />to add language allowing a limited number <br />of female chickens in the MDR and LDR zon• <br />ing dislricG. <br />TEXT2009-00011-Propposed text amendment <br />to Chapter 4 - Waterbody Overlay Zone. <br />If you have any questions regarding these <br />ppetitions pleaze contact the Cabarrus Coun- <br />ty Commerce Department at 704-920.2141. <br />If reasonable accommodallons are needed <br />to parilclpate in the meeting, pleaze con• <br />tact the AOA Coordinator at 704-920.2100 <br />at leasl43 hours prior to the meeting. <br />Puhfish: Octoher 28; November 4, 2009. <br />G-3 <br />Attachment number 4 <br />Page 202 <br />