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Eligible Expenses <br />ROAP funds are to be used for operational activities; not for capital or administrative positions. Refer to the <br />Eligible Transportation Expenses Matrix for examples of allowable expenses under these programs. <br />Restrictions <br />Employment Transportation Assistance funds can only be sub-allocated to the Department of Social Services, <br />Workforce Development Progams or to the Community Transportation System. <br />Formula Employment Transportation Assistance funds may be transferred to EDTAP or RGP if the funds are <br />not needed for employment transportation needs within the county. The county must ensure that Work First <br />and general public employment transportation needs are carefully and thoroughly assessed prior to transferring <br />any EMP funds to EDTAP or RGP. Prior to transferring the funds the Coun Mana¢er must provide written <br />assurance [o the Public Transportation Division that the employment transportation needs in the county have <br />substantially been met. EMP funds that are transferred to EDTAP or RGP assume the requirements of the <br />program to which the funds are transferred. Additionally, Employment Transportation Assistance fands that <br />are transferred to provide additional rural general public transportation services must be allocated to the <br />Community Transportation System. <br />Supplemental EMP funds cannot be used to continue a service previously funded with formula EMP funds <br />unless the service has been expanded to include one or more of the following: <br />New routes New destinations 1 <br />Days of operation New customer group(s) <br />Hours of operation not new individuals <br />Rural General Public Program <br />Formula Allocated and Supplemental Funds <br />Description <br />The RGP operating assistance funds are intended to provide transportation services to individuals from the <br />general public who are not human service agency clients. The county, in consultation with the Community <br />Transportation System, must determine the RGP services to be provided with the formula RGP and <br />Supplemental RGP funds. <br />Allocation Formula <br />The following formula was used to determine the county allocation of the funds available: <br />• 50% divided equally among all eligible counties; and <br />• 50% based upon the rural population of each county as a percentage of the total state rural population. <br />*Excludes the municipal population for counties with urbanized areas within their boundaries. <br />Restrictions <br />The formula RGP and Supplemental RGP funds must be sub-allocated to the Community Transportation <br />System. To use RGP funds, either the origin or destination of the trip must be in the rural area. RGP <br />Supplemental RGP funds should be used to provide transportation services to individuals not eligible for <br />transportation services funded by any other means. <br />RGP funded services are expected to be offered throughout the entire period of performance. <br />Supplemental RGP funds can only be used to begin a new transportation service for the general public or to <br />continue a service previously funded with Supplemental RGP funds. <br />l?"`~ <br />