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Eligible Expenses <br />ROAP funds are to be used for trips or other services; not for capital or administrative expenses. Refer to the <br />Matrix of Eligible Transportation Expenses for examples of allowable expenses that can be provided under <br />these programs. A fare may be charged for eligible EDTAP services. Any fares collected must be used to <br />provide more EDTAP transportation service. <br />Restrictions <br />EDTAP funds are to be used to provide trips and/or other services for elderly and disabled individuals and may <br />not supplant funds being used by local governments for this purpose prior to the application. The funds are <br />intended to provide transportation for eligible individuals when no other transportation funding sources are <br />available. The county can sub-allocate EDTAP funds to any government agency or 501(c)3 non-profit <br />organization that provides services to individuals with transportation needs. Priority should be given to the <br />Section 5311 Community Transportation System providing coordinated transportation services in the county. <br />If the EDTAP funds are sub-allocated to other agencies besides the Community Transportation System, these <br />other agencies are encouraged to coordinate EDTAP-funded transportation trips with the local Community <br />Transportation System. <br />EDTAP funded services are expected to be offered throughout the entire period of performance. <br />Supplemental EDTAP funds cannot be used to continue a service previously funded with formula EDTAP <br />funds unless the service has been expanded to include one or more of the following: <br />New routes New destinations <br />Da s of o eration New customer group(s) <br />Hours of o oration not new individuals <br />Employment Transportation Assistance Program <br />Formula Allocated and Supplemental Funds <br />Description <br />The Employment Transportation Assistance Program is intended to help transitional DSS Work First clients, <br />Workforce Development Program participants and/or the general public to travel to work and/or employment <br />training. <br />Priority should be given to the employment transportation needs of individuals that are not eligible to receive <br />benefits from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program or to participants in Workforce <br />Development Programs. If none of the Employment Transportation Assistance funds are sub-allocated to the <br />Community Transportation System, these agencies are encouraged to coordinate EMP-funded trips with the <br />Community Transportation System. <br />EMP funded services are expected to be offered throughout the entire period of performance. <br />Allocation Formula <br />The following formula was used to determine the county allocation of the funds available: <br />• 10% divided equally among all counties; <br />• 45% based upon the population of each county as a percentage of the total state population*; and <br />• 45% based upon the number of Work First caseloads per county as a percentage of the number of <br />Work First caseloads in the state as of January 2008: <br />*Excludes the municipal population for counties with urbanized areas within their boundaries. <br />Eligibility Criteria <br />The purpose of these transportation funds is to assist transitional Work First participants after eligibility for <br />cash assistance has concluded; participants in local Workforce Development Programs and/or the general <br />public with employment-related transportation needs. Certification of eligibility will be the responsibility of <br />the county. G "~ <br />