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K. Program Auditing <br />The Public Transportation Division (PTD) is responsible for providing sufficient program monitoring and <br />oversight to ensure that the state funds are used for the intended purpose. PTD has historically relied upon <br />annual reporting information that identifies the number of passenger trips, other services, and expenditures by <br />program. The department's External Audit Branch compares information in this report to the ROAP expenses <br />reported in the counties annual independent audit report. NCDOT's External Audit Branch has begun on-site <br />audits of ROAP expenditures. This requires meeting with the county finance officer to obtain documentation <br />of costs reported to NCDOT in the annual reporting form. Common areas of deficiency include inadequate <br />documentation of passenger eligibility and trips. Both EDTAP and EMT programs serve specific populations. <br />Without documentation of eligibility, i.e. elderly or disabled, the auditor cannot determine if the rider met the <br />program eligibility criteria that would allow the trip to be charged to the program. In addition, documentation <br />of trips reported to NCDOT must be retained for up to rve years following submittal of annual ROAP reports. <br />The inability to document trips charged with driver manifests, gasoline receipts, or any invoices associated <br />with costs charged to the program would be considered ineligible expenses. The county will be invoiced for <br />any undocumented costs. <br />II. Program Guidelines <br />Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program <br />Formula Allocated and Supplemental Funds <br />Description <br />The EDTAP, originally enacted by legislation in the 1989 Session of the North Carolina General Assembly, <br />provides operating assistance funds for the transportation of the state's elderly and disabled citizens. This <br />transportation assistance allows the elderly and disabled to reside for a longer period in their homes, thereby <br />enhancing their quality of life. <br />Allocation Formula <br />The following formula was used to determine the county allocation of the funds available: <br />• 50% divided equally among all counties; <br />• 22 %z % based upon the number of elderly (60 years or older) residents per county as a percentage of <br />the state's total elderly population; <br />• 22 '/z % based upon the number of disabled residents per county as a percentage of the state's total <br />disabled population; and <br />• 5% based upon a population density factor that recognizes the higher transportation costs in rural, <br />sparsely populated counties. <br />Eligibility Criteria <br />For the purposes of EDTAP, an elderly person is defined as one who has reached the age of 60 or more years. <br />A disabled person is defined as one who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or <br />more major life activity, an individual who has a record of such impairment, or an individual who is regarded <br />as having such impairment. Certification of eligibility will be the responsibility of the county. <br />l)" - oL <br />