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maybe transferred either to the same program or to EDTAP or RGP. Note that the annual ROAP Report form <br />has been revised to include a Regional Transfer of Funds form and a Regional Receipt of Funds form to <br />document any transfer or receipt of ROAP funds between and/or among member counties of the regional <br />transportation system. The regional transportation systems that are eligible for this additional flexibility are: <br />• Albemarle Regional Health Services (Inter-County Public Transportation Authority) <br />• Choanoke Public Transportation Authority <br />• City of Rocky Mount (Tar River Transit) <br />• Craven County (Craven Area'Rural Transit System) <br />• Kerr Area Transportation Authority <br />• Randolph County Senior Adults Association, Inc. (Randolph County Regional Coordinated Area Transit <br />System) <br />• Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc. (Yadkin Valley Public Transportation) <br />• Western Piedmont Regional Transit Authority <br />Matching Other Grant Programs <br />ROAP funds may be used as matching funds for other grant programs such as Section 5310 -Elderly <br />Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities, Section 5311 -Non-urbanized Formula Program, Section 5316 <br />Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) Program, and Section 5317 -New Freedom Program. <br />I. Monitoring and Evaluation <br />ROAP services should be routinely monitored to determine whether they are meeting program objectives. <br />The program should also be routinely evaluated to verify that funds are being spent on allowable expenditures, <br />the eligibility of service recipients is being properly documented, and sub-allocated funds will be expended by <br />June 30, 2009. <br />J. Reporting Requirements <br />There will be an annual ROAP Report for the grant cycle FY09. The county will be required to report trip and <br />expense data associated with the Supplemental ROAP funds separately from the data reported for formula <br />ROAP funds. This information may be due in advance of the annual report to NCDOT due to legislative <br />reporting requirements. The County Finance Officer must certify and sign this annual ROAP Report as it <br />identifies the amount of unexpended funds to be returned to NCDOT. Based on this report, counties are <br />invoiced for any unexpended funds for the given fiscal year. Upon receipt of the invoice for unexpended funds, <br />the finance officer shall immediately reimburse NCDOT. The county may find it useful for agencies that have <br />been sub-allocated ROAP funds to provide monthly or quarterly reports of the expenditure of funds and <br />number of trips provided. Close monitoring by the fmance officer is highly recommended in order to ensure <br />appropriate and maximum utilization of all program funds. It is the responsibility of the finance officer to: <br />• Record the receipt of ROAP grant funds in a manner that will disclose the source and the purpose/program <br />to which the funds belong, together with evidence of deposit in a financial institution; <br />• Ensure that ROAP funds and-any interest earned on the funds are expended far eligible program expenses, <br />that services are provided to eligible persons, and that written documentation that supports the <br />expenditures is maintained for at least five years; <br />• Advise any sub-recipients of the source of the funds, specific program requirements, eligible program <br />expenses and reporting requirements; <br />• Include ROAP funds received and expended in its annual independent audit on the Schedule of <br />Expenditures of Federal and State Awards and identify any of the funds passed through to other agencies; <br />• Complete and submit the anrual ROAP report; and <br />• Return unexpended ROAP funds as invoiced by NCDOT. cc~~ <br />G' -off. <br />