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The ten percent local match requirement is based on the fully allocated cost of the program, not the amount <br />allocated from NCDOT. The example below is provided to help counties determine the required local match <br />amount. <br />I Assume: $45,000 is the RGP amount allocated from NCDOT <br />,_ .. ., - <br />$45,000 =.90 (90%) _ $50,000 - $45,000 by .80 (80%) _ $45,000 = by .70 (70%) _ <br />$45,000 = $5,000 $56.250 -$45,000 = $11.250 $64,248- $45,000 = $19.286 <br />local match local match local match <br />Substitute the amount of the county's allocation into the example to calculate the fully allocated cost and local <br />match requirement. <br />G. Eligible Expenses <br />The fully allocated cost of a trip or other service, which has traditionally been eligible for the EDTAP, EMP, <br />and RGP programs, will continue to be eligible under ROAP and Supplemental ROAP. See the Eligible <br />Transportation Expenses Matrix for examples of allowable expenditures that can be provided under these <br />programs. This matrix must be shared with any agency that receives asub-allocation of ROAP funds to assure <br />that funds are expended according to program guidelines. <br />H. Funds Management <br />The basic grant/funds management requirements in G.S. 159, Local Government Finance, and in the Policies <br />Manual for Local Governments apply to ROAP funds. The cost principles of OMB Circular A-87, Cost <br />Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments and OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for <br />Non-Profit Organizations also apply to ROAP funds. Additionally, funds must be expended according to the <br />program guidelines in the grant application for eligible program expenses identified. <br />The period of performance for these funds will be July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. The period of performance <br />will remain the same regardless of the date on which ROAP funds are disbursed to the county. Allowable <br />expenses incurred from July 1, 2008 for each program are eligible for reimbursement. Anv interest earned on <br />the funds will be retained by the transportation program and must be used for transportation related expenses <br />according to program guidelines. Following receipt of the annual ROAP Report, NCDOT will invoice the <br />county to collect any ROAP funds not expended by June 30, 2009. <br />Counties will have the ability to transfer Employment Transportation Assistance funds, all or in part, to the <br />EDTAP and/or RGP programs, provided such funds are not needed to provide employment trips or eligible <br />other services. The applicant attests via the Certified Statement that an assessment of employment <br />transportation needs has occurred prior to any transfer of funds. Employment Transportation Assistance funds <br />that are transferred assume the requirements of the program to which they are transferred. However, prior to <br />transferring the funds the Coun Manager must provide written assurance to the Public Transportation <br />Division that the em~lovment transportation needs in the county have substantially been met. This assurance <br />can take them of a letter to the re ig onally assi¢ned consultandplanner which should describe the rp OC¢SS <br />used to make this determination, i.e. Em~oyment Security Commission data, DSS data, surveys. etc• For <br />example, Employment Transportation Assistance funds transferred to the RGP program can be used to provide <br />up to ninety percent (90%) of the fully allocated cost of each general public trip. The remaining ten percent <br />(10%) must be provided from fares, local funds or a combination of the two. Additionally, Employment <br />Transportation Assistance funds that aze transferred to provide additional rural general public transportation <br />services must be allocated to the Community Trans~rtation System. The annual ROAP Report includes a <br />Local Transfer of Funds fonn to document the transfer of Employment Transportation Assistance funds to <br />EDTAP or RGP within the county. Supplemental funds may not be transferred and applied to formula ROAP <br />funded services. <br />For regional transportation systems only, ROAD funds and Supplemental ROAP funds maybe transferred <br />between and/or among member counties of a regional transportation system. EDTAP and RGP funds must C7' _r~ <br />remain within the same program if such funds are transferred between and/or among counties. EMP funds <br />