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community transportation program director. The agreement must be executed before the second disbursement <br />of funds in January 2009. <br />C. County Sub-Allocation Determination <br />It will be the responsibility of the county government to sub-allocate and distribute the funds to local agencies <br />according to program guidelines. A FY09 Sub-Allocation Worksheet must be completed by each county to <br />document how the ROAP allocations will be distributed locally. If the county applies for Supplemental ROAP <br />funds, the county is required to complete a second Sub-Allocation Worksheet documenting the local <br />distribution of these supplemental funds. This will enable PTD staff to better understand the services you plan <br />to provide and assure that the funds are utilized as intended. Each county shall have and employ a documented <br />methodology for sub-allocating ROAP funds. <br />D. Public Outreach/InvolvementRequiremmt <br />The county should determine what the transportation needs of agencies/individuals are in the county before <br />making application. It is important that eligible local agencies and interested citizens have the opportunity to <br />participate in the sub-allocation decision. Outreach efforts must be conducted to inform the public includin <br />minority women elderly disabled Limited E~lish Proficiency (LEP). low income, and non human service <br />individuals) about the availability of ROAP funds in addition to holding a public hearing on the ROAP <br />application. Efforts should include distribution of information: on vehicles, to human service agencies, at local <br />community/public events, to local organizations, on public access channels, etc. For LEP individuals, <br />applicants should translate and send information to newspapers, radio stations, etc. based on the population <br />being served. Applicants will be required to complete the Documentation of Outreach Efforts form stating <br />how public involvement was addressed. <br />E. Public Hearing Requirement <br />It is required that the Board of County Commissioners hold a public hearing to provide the opportunity for <br />local input regarding the sub-allocation of ROAP funds. A public hearing notice must be published in a <br />newspaper having general circulation in the county. The notice should be published at least fourteen (14) days <br />prior to the date of the public hearing. Applicants must use the Sample Public Hearing Notice included with <br />this application package. The public hearing must be accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance <br />with provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These provisions include having written <br />material available in alternative, accessible formats upon request, and providing special accommodations at <br />your public hearing, such as a sign language interpreter, as may be requested. The public hearing shall be held <br />at a time of day that affords a majority of the public an opportunity to attend and make comments. Applicants <br />must make the Voluntary Title VI Public Involvement form readily available to all individuals attending the <br />public hearing for ROAP funds. <br />The applicant must submit with the hardcopy of their application all completed Voluntary Title VI Public <br />Involvement forms and must keep a copy for their records. <br />F. Local Matching Requirement <br />EDTAP and EMP funding can be used to provide up to one hundred percent (100%) of the fully allocated cost <br />of the trip or other service and requires no local match. RGP funds maybe used to provide up to ninety percent <br />(90%) of the fully allocated cost of each general public trip. The remaining ten percent (10%) must be <br />provided from fares, local funds or a combination of the two. Fares and/or local funds used to meet the 10% <br />RGP match requirement should be used to provide additional service, not as a source of match for <br />administrative and capital needs. PTD encourages Community Transportation Systems to keep fares <br />reasonable so as to encourage ridership. <br />G-~ <br />