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8. DELNERY: Un ese actual date lc cpeclAad (ergspeclfled delNary cannot be ~U, <br />chow number o deye requiredE yto make dalNery attar rocelnt of purche6e ~rdar r <br />saoonpadrv In a ace pproN ed. Olmalive eg(na et~ bas f making o award. <br />NmueR ~dPEe diet ec~oattreiwkel ep~dnnpdnoentlo~nt"arpo ata~dp lnro enCnuMao~de <br />purchQJae or~r r rroramant. Delivery ellall be to the ~rxatlon apedfler~ln the bl~ <br />spedncetlone. term <br />9, I~DEeC aitl~i the hiE rasa~ffDwwe O BD bReION~guabd or ~Itln¢nradared sgnayndand a each <br />edditlo I to e e d condluona shell h ve no force end e1feU, and era Inap~~~cebls <br />to this bltl Iseubm~{geddd either ~ Through "IDteat ordeal n, or Inedvenenity <br />aGpearing eeParetely in tram r~iltlroaP~e ere epecmca tins, Itter~ture, prke Ilete of <br />Vertentlieec, tl le unnSleretootl end ogre rl in t me n nerel andlor any epecla <br />~ndXlona o Iheae B tl Documents ere [Re o 1 mntlit~one apnpikable m thm bid <br />end the Bleaar's authorized signature an Mb Bla~orm attests to this. <br />10. <br />77. <br />12. <br />13. LEGAL( j~EOUIREMENTS: BlddPre are required to tom ty wim ell proNelons of <br />Fedora late, County end local ews an ordinances N send IAado that <br />ere a Ilcable~ the Iles ba~ pg bkl. Le~f knaMadpe y the BM~er ah~~l~n no <br />way ~~ tau for rel f hhoo reeponeib I , or constiWle a cognizable a enee <br />egelnet tPie loge eltect ereo. <br />Preference ahefl be given re boat ss WIN Dmgfree Work Plea (DFNq <br />p rams. Wher~aver two p ore beds whkh ere equal wgh resoact re price <br />quality ~erynd pslerv klem era rgec~eived by the udty for ~a procurement of <br />t~ha attah~ UFw"form celNrAnb Ih~al It Is a D~ shb~tia Vs ness Net com~iletee <br />aweM proreas g given preference n the <br />MI Doty B Inaea Ente rise MBE) Indicates a buelneae entlry which k owned <br />anagonere by a minodrryp In N Ina(ana, minod 9rouu members ere cblZene <br />of th6 Un States or laWryly edmllted perms nt re6lgen~ who are Block. <br />lepanlce, Wo an Ntqetlva Pm Aram gsreo-Pa AelaMntltan, and ell Ible. <br />othere. qrs. M~ wlehin fope riT Ipateln the ~umo ty procuremem praceee~rray <br />contact the Purohaeing >~ervices gSeUlan forln rmetlop end assistance, <br />Pu uant td F.S 287.199 a emended: A arson or <br />o ea n aced on trite a d ventlo Ifst lollowin a Conekdb (or <br />e pu~rllc entl pima rrPe not aubmg a~rW on a con~ect to prov~dp en aotPs or <br />cervkse W e optic en a not uhmg p pW on n1reU wM a byap tIN{~r <br />the consW nor rep r omf ~ pub~C bullging or pu~t~ic work, meY rPaut e h R bfda <br />on lessee at reel proppeqrty b e hilt enntar may oat be ~aMerl or ~ work <br />ase conbecmr, supplier subcBnbactor, ~ comullent u er a cant U wl~t i any <br />obit a mmyY end matt al pansecctt busReDa wHryh ~~n~v uhlir~q~tln.In axceec ottlie <br />PhreeliUa amount p~nvPded In e. 287.0 / for CATEG~RV 1 vvO for a penod of 38 <br />moo a from Oie de a of being Placed on the canwcted van or Ilel <br />14. BID EXEMPT: Purohaces hell Il1trdutle Itome/earvlcea available et bwe ptlcee <br />on other ublb 9ntl(y or S~e of~artge contracts 'dhe At t~hor~ty reserves {ne d~hl <br />Areulhorily. peretely shy ile se m n deemed to a In a sl Interest of e <br />i6. <br />18. PROMOauTaaIOUUNAL PRICeINO• Ina(a~dditlon, hklder shell tiger to talhe AumorllrN~duri~ng~ <br />I"anuhcWrer. perlolrtlwl nyerethe BUCCeB~uP'b~dare 4eapopnalSllity hN~monilom Beid <br />P'tem(s) end report any et are orwlll be pgered at lower prke. <br />17. EEO STATEMENT: The Autltorlty le commlNad to eesurl~g equal oppoldr I~ In <br />the a~rd of conlrecle end, therefore oomWlea Wllh rll IeNre proh ng <br />dkpim naUBon on Ina bee s al rem, color, re1lgPon, a0oh Drip n, age orsex. <br />18. CONTRACTUAL l~OREEMENT: Tile temie, contllliom e d sroNelone I gds <br />InvOego to Bld she I beinclu ed etM w In en dna co tract arpu see <br />orders ~'he ardor of premdlr+ce will bo ~ owmen~ an response, pu`c ese <br />order or ConlreU, entl ~anem aw. ppnnyy en el level actlon neassety to enfar~e e <br />conaad ar purohese oel"er will ba Inlerpre aceSming to Ne laws W Flodde. The <br />venue shelf be Pelm Beech County, Fbdde. <br />18. 00 RNMENTAL RESTRICTION It( the event that ny vemme tat <br />reaVtcdona are Imposed which ~•,roul neces ttete alle~po of t le mt~tedal gpel~ly, <br />work enshl or nado ce the a of@fBred on th a W1d u to ~helr delivery <br />ti she{ be I~ie r6epo ~{r1Pgv oI{ the ~r W notify the Pumnaa~S Mcea a d <br />Aaee1 Mlien® mfeehyt "~ecti n elraunlcre II drillcetlnn Inn hlaitler le8 1Re~ab8pl8odabc <br />hereby. 7 a~AUamrulty reserves mte tight W Ol~pt a0~dpc eIt utlon ofito Cem'al gle <br />contredor purchas~poer al no furtherexpenae to the Autha~, <br />20. PATENTS AND ROYALTIES: Tha Bldder, with ul exam ton she Indemniy end <br />ova her lase, iha Aulhotl , Its arOptoyeea andllor any oPl doe~Membere from <br />llabll tip's y nature o ki~ Includin cost M e ensec ~r or on acc9unt of an <br />yr ry ~ netMtotl ~r un etente oven a n pr~cees or Item manufactured by <br />~B~dererd~ Fortner, IY auch p olelm~ eCae dr 1 ending, me 9gldder may at ae <br />optlon and~x~snae,sr~w~elor}heAUtlialty tl+er~muse, replaceo modi~y tde <br />Item b re e g oars n ng ng. I nano o thhe a tame vee ere reeaonab~y oval gib e, <br />the AuthoridtNy egreea toretu m Me ertk e o request to the BMdef and re Ne <br />Im0ureeman4 If the Bitlder uaetl any de~ggn, tleNce, or meterlels wvere0 by <br />~e8ara D nt r wp ryq I[ le mmualy reed end un e l wlthcut axceptbn, <br />that ttie gtla~ prQces ~fl Inclutle ell royaf~ea or wal ~a~ng from Ne use of auch <br />design, devMa, ar materials In anyway mwNed in Ne work. <br />21. ADVERTIS G: In eu6mi Ingebid Bldderepee44 not to use the results therefrom <br />s a ppart o~fNen ms~el rive,gsin , wdhput me express written approval, by <br />l~e epproprlale~eve~"of euthorltywdhin Ibe Admdly. <br />22. pS31QNME T• Any pumhese order or canireU ksued purouant to mle hid <br />InNtatlon e~ tea moplea which may bemma due h reunder ere not assignable <br />t with me poor wdden appM I U the Aulhor~y, through the Purchasing <br />e~rvPces end Asset Management Seaton. <br />2J. COMPI~UINCE WITH OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 7'NND HEAhL7H; Bdder cartiflal <br />that ell metedel equipmenb aeMcee, etc, coots ned In IWhar bid rneete el <br />applicable O ~IA requlremente. Bltlder ludher ceAAige matd ~f helalie le the <br />eu sefNul B er entl the metedel a ul ment, etc, Aelwere eubeequentlv <br />b ~ryryto be efec9ve In an~ epplicabYe ~,SPHf~ re~uliemant In e~e~ on the debt8 <br />Uie eltldei: a I coete neces ery m comply w1m t e qulremanls s al ba borne y <br />24. FACILRIES: The Autiwrily reaervea the d m to Inspect the Biddefs ladlitlea et <br />enyfeactinahle tlme, d41t~d~~g normal worMng houle wAh prior nollce to tldermine <br />That Bldderliee a bone fMe place o(bueimse, end le a reeponslhle Bitlder. <br />28. REPRESENTATION: A Bldtler must have et the gme of bkf opening, e <br />manufadutln lenthop9reWr~, or be afully autryprized egmrt ar representative of <br />Ole MaduU hTd, entl cepaDle of produdng of providing ihellema bltl, and eo celOfy <br />upo raqueat. <br />28. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER: More Ma one hid anr~i an Individual, 8nn <br />uartmrehlp, wmoretlon, o eaecdIaetlor~ under s aaermpe Qpr dd re t names will no( <br />be amideR Reasomb~a grounds for Della ng meta tlltleer le~nvolved In more <br />then one bid tl:e erne wo1nrk wryilsl dpa cause br reIIecWn r ell bide In whl h such <br />Bitldere oare be laves to be I nerd Any or eI1 Bldc wilPbe reJecmd K f~ere le <br />rreaeeaconaati~d~~ breelievna atln~et rA lu tilt Este hetvree BMtlere Bicde which the prices. <br />pmhlbR submlasbn~alUma~ Bide Ian sap ~m a eeaeE e11~IppeMsn Is not mean 1 <br />2T. ALTEppNATNEB: Unless omervdea ep~~ifled, the mendon of he p di tar <br />manuladurefa brentl name or number in the s dOratlona does npot Imply Ihet This <br />Pelelrense ~Srindtentled solat9 Wydesl naie theltype or quediryof merphuen0lse the, Wlll. <br />be acceptable. Alternate ogere w911 pe coneklerraad eM m U mUUde daecript~l re <br />Iltemfgre end/a speclgcatloge. Failure to proytda desuP~ttlve Ilk~alure an or <br />apecpmelions w(th allemete otters may be cause Tor dlsquell icetlon o the bid. <br />The de Inatloh ea to whetnef y alt m to produ 1 or service Is or Is not a al <br />sha~~"a made by the Solid facto ~ulbodry an~ auch detennlnetlon ahal~ba <br />final and binding upon all bkldere. <br />Almough ttth~ quthorny proMOes for the wn Ideretbn of eltemete bids h reserve <br />the right b make en award In ma best~ntelre@eel~fretiae AuNority. Such ewar~ <br />may nd necasaenly be given to the lawaet biro e <br />ADJUSTMEN~gICHANGES/pEYIATIONS: No ad ueMents, changee or <br />tlevktlone mehall be pled on en Oem unlIess condAbne or epeclfigocaadons or <br />bid ax rseslY ao ro~v~de. Any otter ed ucMents than es or deNatlone shell <br />re~ukeP pNof written ebpprvrotval, endgssshe~ktbe bindln0 gT~ssuetl by thl <br />baaparosde n"Amneilellty forsgnyder~d e148nco~smo~ ehnsnedsle 8from aeny <br />aalueMenta, rlPangee off devlatlons no property executed as required"Pierein. <br />IgN.tDE NIFICpTI N: ~ontmc(or asreea W ad. defend, Indemngy erM kf <br />he a tIhhe Aul orrttty, Ns employe a end reporremsenratlves, rom any end ell da <br />en~ePrllitlea In udin aN llamayyc faea ehd worrtt sets, indudin a pe I , r <br />tvh htlle AUmo empp~oy'ee4 eend repreaentaWes, ten ar mey~te~iels liable <br />ae a result cf I u InUUdlnn deetli) (o ue ens or d eta mCarty ocamnp <br />by rdeaon of eriV 9 or oralealane of BiemCOnire ttd am PayNbae, a agents, <br />atlslnp qut f of cgnngC~ed v~Im thla paregiment. a Con~c r abed ml he <br />requke~g4nnto PndemnPry ins Aumomv ar 116 adsnl8, afn ae, p re~flcentetlvea, <br />A~utbnanry,a~ 8en~a empioyeeae(or npretltlalefn~va~~ ~~ p omise arse of the <br />ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS: Tha AUN dt~s obligation to pay under mis <br />conuad ie antln0ent upon ennual'epproprOfetPon <br />PURL C R CORDS• Upon award recP mendatb or ten ~10) de after bH <br />o nl ~~~Ichever)s Qadle , any meterreTs b arerPln res o se to tl~l°a nvdaUOn <br />apTtlB~vIIP"becomrtie ~p~b~~C rd^ en~e~rg~ ~ublevPt a ub l~ d~adosum <br />conebtent with Chep r 1 F~Or~da Ste e l c RecoM La~) Qadem must <br />GGLaim the eppllrab a ezemplone to dieGOCUre p eo ny laW In t elr response to <br />the Invltetktl b BId by IdentlM maten9et W be~rrolecletl and must state the <br />preuemeonrltavwraheye~uch ex ton ro pu ow U nece~tery end legal The <br />the Puhdc RacaMS ~wngpt M me a any final delennlnetion ai Ne applimbddy of <br />28. <br />2g. <br />30. <br />92. <br />~_ 1 <br />4he a paro eUU eXerele ailable upoaPi~req ~fromglheaAU hbl~ryProtare6t pr cepuraes <br />CONFLI,ICT pF INTEREST: All Bidders meet d sdose IIm melt hW1d the name of <br />n oMcer, tlQrector, or agent who p aWO n empployee o~ihe Aulhomy Fprlheg ell <br />~IrYdere moat tlledose the name of g j~~~~,,,d m Iryee who s, tllredl or <br />6ntlire~lly, en InfareU of flue percent (~~AS a move 1n ~e Biddefs ~ or any o~ ge <br />ran 06. <br />NOTE: ANC PRECE~"DENCE~Y FROMIT4HE8E GENE AILICONDITIONS SHN~.L <br />