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AG 2008 08 18
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AG 2008 08 18
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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producb or drug classes or to let Participants know that they rosy qualify for participation in a clinical trial <br />program Such mailings may include Participant and drug specific infornation and/or general educedonal <br />material. Participants; by notifying Caremark, may opt•out of such programs. <br />b. DUR Services. Caremark will provide ib automated concurrent DUR Services for Claims. <br />The infortnadon generated in cocmectlon with DUR Services is intended ee as economical supplement to, and <br />not as a aubadtute for; the Imowledge, expertise, skill, and judgment of physicians, pheraacbb, or other health <br />care providero in providing patient care. Providers are individually reaponaible for acting or not acting upon <br />information generated and transmimd through the DUR Services, and for performing services is each <br />jurisdiction comistent with the scope of their licensee. Notwithstanding anything set forth in this Agroement, <br />Caremark will have ao obligation to acquire information concerning any Participant beyond the information <br />that is included in Caremark'e eligibility records or the Claims submimd by Participating Pharmacies in <br />coamectian with the Consumer Card Program <br />1.8 Formulary 8ervlcea. Canmazk will administer en open fomndary for the Member County and will <br />provide certain Services that are designed to provide useflrl clinical information to physicians (the "Formulary <br />Servica'7. Caremark may make changes to the Formulary Services deacn'bed in this Agroemant from time to time, end <br />will notify Member County and Customer of any material changes to any formulary mamgemeat programs. Im ell <br />cases, the preacdbing physician shall have final authority over the dmg that is preacn'bed to the Participant. <br />a. Rebate Coatracb. Caremark contracb widt certain Manufacturers for Rebate programs. <br />b. Dbblosure of Manufacturer Fea. Caremark may receive fees or other compenaadon tiom <br />Manufacturers, including, without limitation, admiaiatradve fees not exceeding three percent of the aggregate <br />coat of the pharmaceutical products diepemed to participants, and fees for property provided or earvices <br />rendered to a Manufhcturer (which may include providing physician clinical mewagea comiatent with the <br />Performance Drug Liat, as defined below). Caremerk's specialty pharmacies rosy also receive fees from <br />Manufacturero for products and eervicee provided. In addition, Caremerk's mail order and specialty <br />pharmacies may negotiate oa their owv behalf directly with Manufacturers for diacouab, including rebated <br />discounts based oa crwrket share or other factors. The temr Rebates as used is this Agreement door sot include <br />these fees and diacounb which belong exclusively to Caremark or Ceremark's mail order or specialty <br />pharmacies, respectively. <br />c. PaAlcipant Authoriutlow and Diaclwurn. Customer and Member County shall comply <br />with all Laws applicable to it ae a eponeor of the Services or as otherwise comistent with ib obligations under <br />fhb Agreement. <br />d. Addldonal Participant Dlscounb. Caromerk may provide a program that will provide <br />Participant with additional manufacturer dbcoumb on certain drogs at the point of sale. From limo to time, <br />Caremark may revise': dce lint of drugs that have additional participant discounts. The current lief of drugs on <br />which Participants ropy roceiva additional discount ie available upon request. Caremmrk will timely notify <br />Member County and Custortrer of any roviaiona to this liar of dmga. <br />1.9 Managomegt Reports. Caremark will provide Member County and Customer with Caremark'e <br />standard management reports, in cormection with the 3ervicea, which reports may change from time to time at <br />Caremark's discretion. Member County and Custormer may elect to receive a reasonable number of the sbndard <br />management reports made available by Caremark <br />1.10 Mail Service Program Caremark cosy provide to Member County mail order pharmacy services <br />through its mail order pharmacy facilities. For the duration of this Agroemeat, Member County agrees that it wiU offer <br />only Caremark mail order pharmacy services for its Participants covered under this Agreement, as firdrer described <br />below. <br />Caremark shall fill preacdpdons For Participants and shall mail such drugs or medications to such Pardcipanq subject to <br />the following terms and conditions: <br />This document conuina proprietary in(omuNan of Caremark, and may not be used for any puryae other thm to evaluate entering <br />with Caremark, nor may it be duplicated or diceloaed to other for my purpwe. <br />
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