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a. Distribution of Information. Caremark shall provide Participants with its standard <br />informational material explaining the mail service and the forms necessary for Participants to utilize mail <br />service. Participants will have toll-free telephone access to a pharmacist and customer service representative. <br />Access to a pharmacist will be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. <br />b. Delivery sad Dispensing. Caremark shall dispense through its mail service phazmacy new <br />or refill prescription order upon receipt from a Participant of (i) a valid prescription order or a wmpleted refill <br />order form and (ii) the applicable payment. Cazemazk shall cause the filled prescriptions to be mailed to each <br />Participant via coa~n carrier at the address appearing on the face of the Prescription so long as such <br />addresses av in the United States. Caremark shall not be liable to Member Couny, Glrstomer or Participant <br />for any delay is delivery vaulting from circumstances beyond Caremark's control as set forth in Section 6.2. <br />Canmazk's mail order pharmacies may dispense dings even if the prescription is sot atcompanied by the <br />correct amount however, Member County a~ Customer acknowledge and ague that Caremark may refuse to <br />fill any prescription that is either not accompanied by the correct amormt andlor for any Participant who has an <br />unpaid balance with Caremazk. <br />1.11 Preferred Drug Program Caremark and the retail Participating Pharmacies will work together to <br />encourage the use of Preferred Dings by (i) identifying appropriate opporbmities for converting a prescription from a <br />non-Pvferred Drug to a Pvferred Drug, and (ii) cortacting the Participant and the pvscnber to request that the <br />prescription be changed to the Prefamed Drug. A Prefeaed Dmg is one on the Performance Dmg List, which has been <br />developed by Caremazk ae a clinically appropriate and ewaomically advantageous subset of the Caremark Formulary, <br />es wised by Canmazk from time to time. <br />1.12 Specialty Pharmacy. Cavmazk's specialty pharmacy service wiU be provided by a Carerrmrk <br />specialty pharmacy rntity or its affiliate ("Caremark SpecialtyR:'~, end offers a distribution channel for certain <br />pharmaceutical products that av generally biotechnological in nature, an given by injection, or otherwise require <br />special handling ("Specialty Medlcadom'~. <br />Cavmerk SpceialtyRx shall provide prescription fulfillment and distribution of Specialty Medications and supplies, <br />pharmaceutical can ranagement services, m well as the types of Service that Member County receives under this <br />Agvement, including but not limited to customer services, utilisation and clinical management, integrated reporting and <br />Claims processing ("SpecialtyR; Services'. <br />Canmazk SpecialtyRx may receive Prescriptions from Participants through an affiliated Caremark mail facility or <br />directly via the U.S. Mail or commercial carrier at the address specified by Caremark from time to time and may also <br />receive prescriptions from physicians by fax or by U.S. Mail/commercial carrier In accordance with the Conswner <br />Card Program, Caremark SpaialtyRx shall dispense Covered Items in accordance with thox preacriptiom and mail the <br />Covered Items to Participants at the deaigoated address, so long as such address is located within the United States. <br />Cazemazk SpecieltyRx may not dispense drugs to Participants who fail to submit the correct payment with the¢ <br />prescription. <br />Caremazk SpecialtyRx pharmaceutical care management services inchrde but may not be Limited to: (1) patient profiling <br />focusing oa the appropriateness of Specialty Medication therapy and caze and the prevention of ding-ding interactions; <br />(2) patient education materials; and (3) disease management and compliance programs with respect to Specialty <br />Medications. As part of these services, Participants will be asked to participate in various surveys. <br />Caremark will provide Member County and Customer with a list of the Specialty Medications and their comsponding <br />rates (which may vary from Network Rates) upon request. Routine supplies (ncedles, syringes, alcohol swabs) in a <br />sufficient quantity will be included at no additional expense. <br />This document contains proprietary information of Caromark. end may not)x used for aqny purpose other thin to evaluate <br />with Caremark, nor may it he duplicated or disclosed to others for any purpose. C . " 1 <br />