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proprietary to Caremark. Further, all Caremark databases, as well ae the software, hard coding, and logic used to <br />generate the compilations of information contained in Caremark's Claims adjudication system and in all other databases <br />developed by Caremark or its designees in connection with performing Services including idendfters assigned by <br />Caremark, and the format of pi reports, printouts, and copies them from, and any prior and fltttue vereioas thereof by <br />any name, are the property of Caremark and are protected by copyright which shall be owned by Caremark. <br />5.7 Tradeaama; Trademarks; and Service Marks. None of the parties hereto may use any <br />tradenemea, trademarks or service marks of another, or any ward or symbol likely to be confused with ouch ttadeaames, <br />trademarks or service marks, tmless authorized in writing or ea expressly permitted by this Agreement. <br />5.8 Remedlea. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of Confidential Iafom>ation would cause Caremark, <br />Member County or Customer immediate end irreparable injury or lose that cannot be adequately compensated with <br />money damages. Accordingly, if any party hereto fails to comply with this Section 5, the other(s) will be entitled to <br />specific performance including imrnediace issuance of a temporary restraining order or preliminary igjuaction enforcing <br />Wie Agreement, and to judgrtCertt for damages (including reaaomble attorneys' fees) caused by the breach, and to any <br />other remedies provided by Ltw. <br />6. LIMITATION OF LL4HII.17'Y; COMPLIANCE WI17i LAW. <br />6.1 Warranty... This Agreement is trot a contract for the sale of goods. Careaark will perform the <br />Services in a good and workmanlike maoner in accordance with the customs, practices, and etandarda of providers <br />skilled is the industry. EXCEPT AS WARRANTED IN THIS SECTION 6.1, CAREMARK DISCLAIMS ALL <br />EXPRBS3 AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THH SUITABILITY FOR ANY <br />PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THB DATA GENERATED THROUGH THE CAREMARK SYSTEM. CAREMARK <br />RELIES ON FIRST DATABANK, MEDI-SPAN, OR INDUSTRY COMPARABLE DATABASES IN PROVIDING <br />CUSTOMER, MEMBER CQUNTY AND PARTICIPANTS WTfH DRUG UTII.IZATION REVIEW SERVICES. <br />CARBMARK HAS UTII.IZBD DUE DH,IGENCB IN COLLECTING AND REPORTING THE INFORMATION <br />CONTAINED IN THE DATABASES AND HA3 OBTAINED SUCH INFORMATION FROM SOURCES <br />BELIEVED TO BE RELIABLE. CAREMARK, HOWEVER, DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OF <br />REPORTS, ALERTS, CODES, PRICES, OR OTHER DATA CONTAINED IN THE DATABASES. THE CLINICAL <br />INFORMATION CONTAIIVi3D IN THE DATABASES AND THE FORMULARY IS INTENDED AS A <br />SUPPLEMENT TO, AND NOT A SUBSTITUTE POR, THE KNOWLEDGE, EXPERTISE, SKILL, AND <br />JUDGMENT OF PHYSICIAI+iS, PHARMACISTS, OR OTHER HEALTH-CARE PROFESSIONALS INVOLVED IN <br />PARTICIPANT'S CARB. TBB ABSENCE OF A WARNING FOR A GIVEN DRUG OR DRUG COMBINATION <br />SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO INDICATB THAT THE DRUG OR DRUG COMBINATION IS SAFE, <br />APPROPRIATE OR EFFEC'CIVE FOR ANY PARTICII+ANT. CAREMARK DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ITS <br />SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. <br />6.2 Farce MaJeSrre. Except for the paymmtt obUgadona set forth is Secfloa 2 of this Agreement, the <br />parties are excused t'rom perfun~snce under this Agreement ce the extent that a party is prevented from performing any <br />obligation, in whole or in pats, as a result of oases beyond its reaaonabk control, including, acts of God, war, civil <br />diaturbaaw, court order, govgtmrtentst intervention, Change in Law, notyterfomtanca by the other party or any third <br />party, failtaea or fluctuations in electrical power, heat, light, air conditioning, or celecomm~micationa equipment. Any <br />ao~erformance under this Section 6.2 wlll not conadtuce a default or a ground for termination of this Agreement. <br />6.3 Indemnity. '; To the extent permitted by applicable Law applicable ce Customer and each Member <br />County, Customer and Member County shall indemnity and hold harmless Caremark sad its oft5cers, dirocton, <br />employees, agents, 8u00088afa~ Bad a991gne ("Caremark Iademaicea'~ for, from and against any damages, coati, or <br />attomey'e fees, actually inctnted by Caremark or a Caremark Iademnicee, u the result of a third party claim that <br />Customer or Member County ib oftlcen, dircccera, employees, agents, successors, or assigns acted with negligence, <br />willfully, and/or in violation of applicable standards of care, provided that the Caromark Indemoittx has acted in a <br />manner that is comiscent with this Agreement, the Consumer Card Program and applicable acendarda of care. The <br />forgoing indemnification shill not apply and shall not be enforceable to the extent any applicable Law prohibits e <br />Member County from providing such indemnification. To the extent permitted by applicable Lew, Caremark shell <br />indemnify and hold harmless Member County, Customer end their officers, directors, employees, agents, successors, <br />end assigns (collectively "Customer lndemoiteea") for, from and against any damages, coats, or attorney's fees, actually <br />This document eanuins proprietary infomution of Carcnurk, and may not be uwd for any purpose other than to <br />with Carcrtark, nor may it be duplicated or disclwed to othm for my purpaw. <br />